- RT @MariekeRW: Decriminalization "means that sex workers are no longer breaking the law by carrying out sex work." #sexwork 1/2 10:43:40
- RT @MariekeRW: In contrast, legalization means "the state makes very specific laws and policies that formally regulate sex work." #sexwork … 10:43:59
- Nobody should have a voice or vote or get to "regulate" whether or not or what kind of sex I have except me & the people I have it with. 10:51:59
- I'm probably not getting in front of the camera @MusicDivPro with @DeliaTS until/unless we can pay someone like @isabeldresler to shoot us. in reply to MusicDivPro 10:57:11
- RT @BaileyJayTweets: I make my living off of human pleasure. People in media make their money off of human tragedy. How is my job morally i… 10:59:10
- Nothing makes mouth & pussy smell nastier than #coffee. 13:05:11
My Life Yesterday
August 28, 2015
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