- The joyful intensity of love I have for being alone in the middle of the night sometimes is one of my favorite things about being myself. 05:39:53
- It looks like I could have some kind of a dreamy threesome with two of my favorite twenty-something boy buddies today … but IDK. 10:40:12
- RT @plantandmineral: my fav part of men selfies is how they’re always taken w the most neutral expression possible as if they’re documentin… 10:47:17
- RT @OnePerfectShot: [WATCH] The Art of Close-Ups with (and Narrated by) @edgarwright http://t.co/PENMHoeifm Edited by @davechensky http://t… 10:50:30
- What's my problem? I just want to hide from everybody. 11:22:03
- I spend the lead-up to ~70% of the plans I make with other people fantasizing I have a good reason to cancel. #socialanxiety #hermit #tired 11:40:01
- ::sigh:: I suspect some of the people quietly check me as Trixie, which I can relate to but is disorienting in so many ways. 11:54:33
- BTW of personal & professional integration/cross-sharing, a newsletter from my fave Dr.: "The Stories of Our Lives" http://t.co/HN7NJxlI7n 12:13:42
- Totally shaking after hearing breaking/crashing on top floor of our so! new! fancy! building. Shattered glass all over. #overpriced #shoddy 13:59:04
- I kind of think this property is #cursed or at least #doomed. I know we probably shouldn't renew our lease, but we still love some of it. 14:01:01
- @ridgiedidge Cause is obvious to me (a lot of very cheaply "crafted" things here) &/or damaged by someone but didn't fall apart until now. in reply to ridgiedidge 14:08:02
- About 9 sentences or concepts elicited cheers from me, and maybe only 1 or 2 a boo. #clitlegs Plus: interesting. https://t.co/BmezZE5xKP 14:27:01
- It's okay, Trixie. You must interact with humans. This is a very nice human! Already knows you!! You can have sex with!! Everyone winners!! 15:53:48
- Because of plans, you washed the butthole! Feel better already! Wouldn't have otherwise! Both have digestive issues! Much fun to talk with! 15:56:17
- You're worthwhile human! Bring many peoples much pleasures! And much reassurance! Don't need be any smarter than you are! OK to be stupid! 15:58:38
- Yup … that's me, all right. Me & my diseased fucking imagination. #astrology #bullshit #sickinthehead https://t.co/6KjcrllALQ 19:48:00
- RT @sophiaphotos: Oh shit. Awesome. My words from the panel last night made it into Toronto Life http://t.co/YJteS74BjS http://t.co/SJmN9f3… 21:09:59
- RT @kittystryker: So I wrote a Frankenstein slash porn-ish story and it's quite weird http://t.co/gi2u1Lagr0 21:13:46
- Hahaha, @kittystryker … GOOD ONE!!! I rately read stories online; that one was worth it! in reply to kittystryker 21:17:14
- So many years later, tables have turned; naughtily dressing up in my wife's (@DeliaTS) clothes while she's away. http://t.co/7rQeDbZUrd 22:03:05
- I even made a silly video of it, with me singing, "dressing up…in my wife's clothes!" as I play in her dresses etc. http://t.co/emwcYMkW1u 22:27:14
- #poop https://t.co/KpJTuAzs0L 22:49:36
- I say a lot of crabby things about #Seattle, but alone on the top floor tonight it feels like I won my tween kind of dream Christmas. 23:57:34
My Life Yesterday
September 5, 2015
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