- #mastersoftheuniverse & 3 huge loads of cum. https://t.co/y1Ihp4B74I 12:27:14
- Now measuring: growth of #intimacy/closeness by number of times I have #pooped at his place, & #poop stories shared. #getalittlecloser 15:49:37
- @AliceSkary hahaha … no, & probably won't ever be / @DeliaTS & I don't even do that after 13+ years. Okay, *I* do it, but she doesn't.
in reply to AliceSkary 16:01:26
- RT @AnnieSprinkle: https://t.co/qfGBchkaq8
#CandidaRoyalle passed away this morning. Details on my FB page so this news will reach her frie… 17:09:39 - I got/get to welcome 2 different people home 2 nights in a row! THE BEST: they just want to stay home & eat, cuddle, watch TV & fuck. 20:26:43
- Hard to see in this pic, but there's a ton of cum all over me from leg to nape of neck. #natural #boobs #breasts http://t.co/ZS95AXWgNU 20:38:51
- RT @AlicePhallus: Just saw this laundry soap commercial: Did you know that you can teach A MAN to do laundry? We taught a PENIS-HAVER to do… 22:32:05
My Life Yesterday
September 8, 2015
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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