- It always seems like my phone's screen has a little pube stuck on it.
So many little pubes. So attracted to my phones. 00:12:19
- And I love your little … oh god, I'm such a dirty old man, @AaliyahLove69! So piiiiiiink! in reply to AaliyahLove69 00:15:48
- RT @kwetoday: Reason 1638398 to decriminalize #sexwork: police visits escort, doesn't want to pay, flashes badge http://t.co/50S1uymhVZ vi… 09:08:59
- Thanks for the heads up, @rexwhamming – IDK her, don't research who I follow back these days & should be more careful who I retweet. in reply to rexwhamming 09:23:54
- I also saw someone say she's aggressively transphobic, @rexwhamming but I didn't put the names together until now. Unfollowing. in reply to tastytrixie 09:24:40
- Aaand I *don't* actually follow that person so must've been a RT of a RT that I can't trace back. My apologies for triggering anyone though. 09:27:06
- Fuck, or maybe not that but a gamergate thing I haven't been paying enough attention to, @rexwhamming. Fucking "social" media. #unmanageable in reply to tastytrixie 09:30:51
- A very unfeminist thing I do & hate: my ethical standards for women online are way higher than for men in the porn industry. Super not cool. 10:04:13
- I tolerate a lot more ignorance & shitty behavior from porn industry guys & custies than I accept from women where I have a higher bar. #bad 10:05:37
- Reminder: just because someone you admire is "friends" with someone online or works for somebody in porn doesn't = know em well & "approve". 10:14:11
- But maybe it should? I don't know. I struggle with that a lot. What's realistic? What's kind? What's progress? What's shooting self in foot? in reply to tastytrixie 10:16:30
- Tempted to just unfollow all but a dozen people & revert to what I loved about @twitter in the 1st place: #MICROBLOGGING. #list not #follow 10:25:08
- The stream is polluted and rushes over and through us too fast. #poison #overwhelming #unrealistic #distracting #bullshit 10:26:46
- Sorry, folks. I'm through with tortured guilty navel-gazing for today. Getting ready for #creampie night I'll feed to @DeliaTS tomorrow. 10:29:11
- RT @SexyMissLizz: Yum. . . PUSSY! http://t.co/iTKngkiC9g 10:30:03
- When I relaunch my blog there should definitely be a "fuck-up of the week" apology / confessional feature. 10:35:46
- RT @clevertravels: Today I #fucked myself with a bear meat #salami over skype with my partner. #postcum #freaky #meatinmypussy #fun http://… 10:51:09
- While shaving my ass crack I remembered dream last night: #JohnMalkovich & I snuck away from the other #ProjectRunway contestants to fuck… 12:39:12
- …& I couldn't feel his penis at all, but he seemed really into it & so was I; I ejaculated & flooded our joined sleeping bags with piss. 12:40:28
- Note: neither #JohnMalkovitch nor I are actually competing on @ProjectRunway … THIS season, anyway. 12:44:45
- Make that neither one of us IS on #projectrunway: http://t.co/RVquttvE44
#wwJMd – pretty sure #JohnMalkovich is a #grammarstickler 13:04:45
- RT @DeliaTS: Camming for a few hours today! – http://t.co/I7SY7H5lHz 15:23:32
- So freshly fucked … #happy. Spankin' time then dinner now. http://t.co/cFdwWkqKnx 18:54:14
- Oh! Mighta did something that'll make my wife @DeliaTS jealous (in a good way?): took a huge load of cum all over the tiny soles of my feet. 22:46:54
My Life Yesterday
September 22, 2015
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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