• RT @TSDraftsman: A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the magnificent @DeliaTS !! 🌹🎂🌹 big big kiss girl! 😉 ♥ https://t.co/u26aciAAAR 13:20:37
  • For @DeliaTS birthday our car broke down. But super lucky about where & timing; we're both safe. Heading home in different directions. 15:38:02
  • Soooooo glad we work for ourselves at home; car breaking down not really stressful like it is for people who commute. #freedom #nocarpayment 18:32:29
  • It's hard to describe how excited I am to spend the rest of tonight all by myself. I'm a better friend/mate/lover/person when recharged. 21:33:13
  • Another thing I'm really grateful for is that on our shooting excursion we only got a combined total of 3 head injuries. So that was cool! 22:29:50
  • Also great: our friend remembered to not run over my phone that I dropped in driveway. Even better: I actually just forgot it in the house! 22:33:39
  • If I had one superpowered wish thingy granted tonight, I'd be able to mend every hole in every sock anybody ever loved. 23:04:56
  • This b-roke-down car business isn't going to seem so easy when I wake up & the only thing I have to eat for breakfast is frozen lasagna. 23:14:10
  • Is that a hallucinogen or some kind of uber thing, @christianxxx1? If the latter, when we kidnap you, you'll see our town is 2 small 4 that. in reply to christianxxx1 23:27:35
  • Actually, I'm not going to complain. Because this lasagna has PEPPERONI. And I'll take "pepperoni" any time of day. Or night. 23:30:36
  • Am I smelling pepperoni wrong? SPELLING. Sheesh. It doesn't look quite right. 23:32:08
  • The day I realized I can CHANGE the plant costumes in #plantsVSzombies2 is when I finally learned "serenity" & how to access my higher mind. 23:40:02
  • @christianxxx1 Ahhhh … Well I guess we don't need to kidnap you to make my point, then. in reply to christianxxx1 23:48:30