- 06:26 Saturday morning, brewing tea … getting ready to start my 6th day in a row with dance. It's not sexy … it looks like "Awakenings". 06:28:07
- @Kaibutsu Hahaha, … we totally look like the undead, too. But without thrilling dancing skills. in reply to Kaibutsu 06:33:09
- Morning boobs
#bignaturals #yawn #goodmorning https://t.co/31ix1344dO 06:35:44 - I'm newer and different than I was six days ago.
It's interesting how we can get older every day, and newer every day at the same time. 08:34:53
- @RazorRotten bwahaha … I assumed nobody else would be awake on Saturday morning to read or process such, like, new age bullshit anyway. in reply to RazorRotten 08:52:18
- RT @LibertyHarkness: Love Self Sucking 🙂 Fun fun  – Twitter @LibertyHarkness… https://t.co/ja8Xkp8LW4 09:02:24
- That's fantastic … who is she? Is she online with that somewhere? https://t.co/F7GyRO4EkD 10:06:38
- So this just happened … I'm still thudding inside and twitching out after that orgasm. https://t.co/CQ1b53LL3l 11:23:31
- RT @jackandjillcpl: Here's why I'm a feminist. https://t.co/9AjeoVPROf 16:08:25
- RT @Quinnae_Moon: This terrorist group needs to be removed immediately, before they do further damage to protected lands. https://t.co/WRiT… 16:11:45
- RT @lecanardnoir: Rickman’s “secret” battle with cancer and Bowie’s “secret” cremation.
Word is “private”, newspapers. You have no automat… 16:12:22
- Time-consuming, but I have to write down small & large accomplishments throughout the day otherwise I don't remember accomplishing ANYTHING. 17:43:44
- Giving myself time to break old habits and develop disciplined new ones is WORKING. And requires more than one day, one week, or one month. 18:10:32
- OMG … my fingertips are sweating. Under the nails! Maybe I'M ON FIRE RN with energetic ambition because menopause or something. Or #manic. 18:33:01
- Nothing to do with menopause. It's the mania of my self-health. I've been dumbing my body down my whole life to fit stupid "normal" systems. 18:43:58
- I'm better suited to thriving as a destitute ecstatic wanderer than a normal 9-5 jobber slave.
No I'm not on any drugs RN except adaptogens. 18:50:10 - Too bad we make it impossible for destitute people to GO POOP in healthy safe ways. 19:05:31
- RT @GuerrillaDems: Steamy #BundyEroticFanFic imagines what happens in militias after dark https://t.co/hQrNAhJTDN
#OregonUnderAttack http… 19:56:52
- My wife @DeliaTS has her slut-mouth on, ready to do hard sticky stroking live camshows with you: https://t.co/xhrFWY9TWt 20:02:01
My Life Yesterday
January 17, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment