- I hear an owl.
I should be asleep. But it's the eighth day. 06:35:44
- Hmmm. I actually feel cheated to hear "oh happy day" but not the rest about Jesus. I can't dance to that. 08:06:54
- RT @jessevondoom: @ConnerHabib Organized atheism under these idiot figureheads is just another religion with shitty rules but without all t… 12:45:08
- Pretty sure somebody is using my number to call people like this: https://t.co/CixNHTt4FD.
Thanks for the gift of constant paranoia. 14:05:51
- THIS. To dismantle racism a lot of us have to acknowledge we're racists. I'm not immune to racist enculturation. https://t.co/VA3vFKGQVY 14:37:40
- It's willfully ignorant to be in denial, imagining we've magically resisted the biases we've been taught about race, gender, etc. 14:43:04
- RT @DesiJed: How I feel when a guy explains my joke to me as if it was something I accidentally happened upon: https://t.co/pUXCMc8Qvu 14:57:45
- RT @DeliaTS: I'll be on cam for a little while this afternoon and some moar later on 😉 – https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 14:58:36
- FACT: I've an easier softer life & am able to get away with more shit because I'm a white blue-eyed blonde than I would if I had brown skin. 15:06:11
- That most of us white people can't acknowledge that privilege as a direct benefit of racism is INSANE & perpetuates this moral disease. 15:10:01
- Like it's "funny" I never considered til recently that it might've been pretty hard for my brother to be browner than the rest of us … 15:41:45
- … and called a slanty-eyed mongoloid, etc. 15:45:59
- I'll be #LIVEonCAM tonight (somewhere in the next 1.5-4 hours) for a quick CHEAP gold show: https://t.co/IXWfqV97eg
- Forced them to really. And some in EPA punished people exposing it. Horrifying & truly #evil, if such thing exists. https://t.co/vke2WgtZlc 17:46:44
- Going to regret making this eclectic playlist; my room stays busiest with a steady flow of Phil Collins, Hall & Oates, etc. #camgirlproblems 19:18:29
- (sorry I'm taking more time than the low estimate prep; I'm encoding a video & it's taking longer than I anticipated) 19:19:18
- Barring technical difficulties, I'll be #live & ACHING to come for you (hahaha … for me, actually) in <13 minutes:
https://t.co/IXWfqV97eg 20:01:25 - Aaaaaaand … got a system error / kicked out right when I started vibing. I'm going to see how quickly I can get the new encoder working. 20:44:00
- …. #smbroadcast is calibrating … #camgirlproblems
"*This process might take several minutes to complete" @DeliaTS likes it though 🙂 20:48:54 - I'm online with new encoder! AND I JUST WANT TO MASTURBATE PLEASE!! 😉 20:58:29
- #squirt #puddle #wet #natural #camgirl #horny #busty #milf #bignaturals https://t.co/TUtWt542Rc #goodnight https://t.co/aUl43oPm0D 22:04:03
- FYI: I made more money as a webmaster PROMOTING the camsite today than I did as a performer putting on makeup & fucking myself live on cam. 22:10:32
- I'm oversimplifying, of course. But on a day like today it's extra-relevant to note even if I don't have space/time to explain how it works. 22:34:29
- RT @MarkTwainnQuote: The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice. 23:44:07
My Life Yesterday
January 19, 2016
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