- RT @DeliaTS: #outdoor #stroking #upskirt #idyllic #pacificnorthwest #cum #maxidress #tgirl
https://t.co/exXwTj4dWo https://t.co/oov9QJ6pAO 00:00:39 - Guess how many people I've had sex with so far this year!
Answer here: https://t.co/06bxkOVeXA 06:00:21
- How much the light changes in just the amount of time to climb down from bed, make tea (2+3.5+6+?) & climb back in. https://t.co/VyPWjILoQT 07:58:29
- @Ishfery @AmberLily in-person (low volume, high-risk) vs. on cam (high-volume, low-risk) = different impacts on bottom line & emo health. in reply to Ishfery 08:06:51
- RT @scarletalliance: If you criminalise #sexwork our workplaces or our clients you #criminalise us! https://t.co/zwod4yPYJ0 08:17:05
- Super-interesting read re: media manipulation, fetishism of fetus, etc. #photography #picturesDOlie https://t.co/RynTKrJZ6A 08:24:53
- RT @TRAKGIRL: Steph Curry.
- RT @lovingslut: @Akelaa https://t.co/Iw4Zws064I 16:23:15
- This is awesome, & I relate to it SO MUCH. Seriously: got childhood pic from mom to blog about this last week. https://t.co/VjieT86noN 17:21:16
- Some people think the terms "sex play" & "play partner" are gross. I LOVE playing! It should be way more of our absurd "grown-up" lives. 17:24:36
- Lots of things about bdsm & kink lifestylers I'm wary of, dislike & don't relate to, but PLAY concept is a big part of what I love. 17:28:23
- Similarly, I love the revival of footwashing by evangelical Christians. Maybe that was a passing fad, but I'm still strongly in favor of it. 17:30:52
- TFW you're crushed by the weight of unsaid I love yous that keep building up inside with no outlet, slamming against your ribs to get out. 17:42:19
- @alendrel I'm thinking more of vanilla folks who think it sounds grody, but yeah … that's a whole other level of fruit loops. in reply to alendrel 17:46:33
- RT @stephthegeek: Continuing to practice guilt-free happiness. Every bit of pleasure can be joy… not an obligation I am already behind on. 18:35:10
- RT @Buncahn: ok, if u really wanna work at VICE, first u have to take this LSD. then eat these cool Boar pussy tacos.
did u have a livejou… 18:36:20 - What???? NO. Fuck no! Jesus fuck. https://t.co/u7lrTH0cUd 18:53:28
- RT @Blackamazon: Twitter wants to surface viral content but is removing the ability for content to be organically viral 19:09:33
- RT @heartsofspace: This week on Hearts of Space—MOSS GARDEN: A David Bowie Ambient Retrospective. Music w/ENO from Berlin 1977. https://t.c… 20:30:32
- Telling users to quit talking about this https://t.co/sJPpXvXyP7 is idiotic. But okay, how about you're ASSHOLES?!? https://t.co/2L9XzgGUqh 21:05:59
- WOW. Does this guy really work @Twitter? SUPER IMPRESSED W/YOUR EXPERTISE, DUDE. So sorry about doubting you guys! https://t.co/zuUQkiH84S 21:11:03
- #erect #nipples in #whitetanktop https://t.co/dDPrfT395H 21:19:59
- What I've learned as a WebWhore since Y2k:
if you want to make a little money on the internet, sell unique high-quality content … 21:28:45 - (2) … but if you want to make A LOT of money on the internet, hire folks to help you crank out shit conforming to shit-standards … 21:29:59
- (3) … w/total contempt for your customers, then sell your shit company for exorbitant price before they realize your product is worthless. 21:32:22
- I've got to play this game better. But it requires tons of start-up money, vast amounts of ignorance & arrogance, bad taste & no ethics. 21:37:16
My Life Yesterday
February 6, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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