• Having run-away-from-everyone distress feelings over family, values, sucking at things people want, needing to feel good about what I DO do. 02:00:29
  • Feels darkly nostalgic, crying in middle of night in this house I grew up in, wanting to just BE GONE/hide from here. #selfish #depression 02:39:41
  • I can't tell whether my desired boundaries are healthy or just me being a dramatic selfish lazy bad-priorities mean sack-of-shit. 02:43:40
  • Wishlist: a hut deeper in the woods, a couple of chickens, a stash of great pills, a dark little bunk, a tall stack of books … 02:53:56
  • … a whole lot of paper, and for my wife to look in on me every few days. Cut all the other wires for awhile. A good long while. #hideme 02:56:54
  • I need to practice being more loving instead of trying to practice not-being-an-asshole.

    But I do think it'd be easier alone in the woods. 08:36:06

  • Walking to the bus yesterday. #camellias #rust #flowers #evergreens #death in #spring
    #sabihttps://t.co/UtG1xerJjK 12:13:46
  • RT @DeliaTS: Going to be on cam for a little while today! –> https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 13:01:01
  • Sitting with my #mom. Those are her #barefeet & #tennies with pink, & my #dirtyshoes in the foreground. https://t.co/ykiurt9vPV 14:19:49
  • RT @BaileyJayTweets: The Internet has everybody's hurt in it. 19:05:06
  • Please, woman. PLEASE. Please don't narrate Facebook while I'm trying to enjoy my hot pop tart. 20:10:53
  • If you're going to talk, it better be about something interesting, like sex, death, or poop. 20:11:28
  • Do I want a glass of wine??? No. Fuck no. I WANT A GLASS OF YOUR XANAX. Why can't you just give me that. God fucking dammit. 20:23:06
  • All pot does is make me want pills. 20:25:08
  • But then she said something funny & I was like, damn Mommy, sometimes I love hanging out with you. And I feel like a terrible shitty person. 20:29:40
  • So what do I do instead of pills? I have been eating nonstop. And will continue to do so until she goes to bed. And well after that. 20:36:45
  • Saw somebody at the store my age, I went to school with. In fact, we were in special ed together. Things don't look great for her. #hometown 20:43:38
  • I remember not wanting to invite her to my birthday & my mom made me. #Thankful for #mymom & all the good things she tried to teach me. 21:26:36
  • Like just now at engagement ring commercial: "uggHUH!! I don't think there's ANYTHING more ugly than DIAMONDS! Jesus! I just don't GET it!" 21:29:07
  • You don't know how hard I'm praying right now that she doesn't start talking about @DowntonAbbey. 21:35:12
  • Why are women so adamant we be able to say no to sex, but make us feel so shitty for wanting to say no to talking &/or listening? 21:38:07
  • There is NO LUBE that makes active listening less painful or more possible when my brain needs the stimuli & interruptions to stop. 21:40:23
  • RT @filmystic: Happy birthday, #MarlonBrando. https://t.co/7pQdM73t8E 21:55:56
  • I wish all resources spent criminalizing consensual sex went instead to solving REAL crimes like this: https://t.co/sVFnQJz2O6 22:05:47
  • RT @nicolemilfie: i need to fuck something. 22:28:29