- My first grown-up bike, yards of fresh-cut grass, new big empty spaces, & so many sweet chances to grow. #freshair #reborn #spring 10:12:03
- On my paper schedule for the day, I have a space to write down challenges. Naming them makes them less distracting than floating in head. 11:26:16
- Example: I'm headachey today. When I write it down I see it's a real thing impacting my productivity but also I can do things to treat it. 11:29:12
- I also have a space for gratitude. Like today I'm grateful I can work outside wearing nothing but bloody underwear & a soft holey t-shirt. 11:33:52
- Keyboard shortcut alt+t to open new tab in browser (chrome included) is very annoyingly same to put @googledrive doc into trash. #sigh 12:04:43
- Breezy #spring air & sunshine on my #bignaturalboobs! #36DD #bumpy #nipples #giantareolas #jugs #cans #knockers https://t.co/0sIAS3NKb4 15:01:23
- Heads up pac nw gardeners (she also needs help with her mice-hurt piano)! https://t.co/WJucap6P3V 19:49:34
- TFW you watch the textual chemistry part of Young Adult & look at your phone for 10 seconds & it lights up with text from fave guy asking… 19:54:08
- … if you want him to make bananas & peanut butter french toast for breakfast.
It's a good feeling. Super duper good. Plus hugs & fucking. 19:56:45
- RT @BaileyJayTweets: Get yourself a fuck buddy you can have panic attacks in front of. 21:35:03
- Best #FF tip I can give you if you're not already an adoring fan of #BaileyJay https://t.co/i9W46tX8Co 21:42:08
- Have fun on https://t.co/qj8t7P9Qcw with #HeatherMadison: "New #cougar ready to teach the young boys how it's done!" https://t.co/swTMzM59ay 21:52:31
My Life Yesterday
April 9, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment