- Curses!! My fave guy would NOT let me squeeze a weird blackhead I found in his neck or any milia. He was like NOOOoooOO! That's gross!!!! :/ 12:10:08
- But he made this #peanutbutter #banana #chocolate #frenchtoast. And made me scream & squirt buckets.
#sex #food https://t.co/A9LlEklEdn 12:15:07
- Haha, @jamesmaverick11 – I was getting slobber on my hand to lube up for tittyfucking (something I have fond memories of you doing v. well). in reply to jamesmaverick11 12:17:26
- And now: prepping for what I hope is 13 uninterrupted days alone of working to revitalize https://t.co/Hn97slVlKv that turns 14 on May Day. 12:41:56
- Hey, folks! My wife @DeliaTS snuck on to play with you on cam!! https://t.co/pv7Mli8QqG 12:59:40
- Nervously taking my wobby-ass out for more short bike-riding practice to get stronger & more confident. And less wobbly. #bikesarenteasy 13:55:31
- RT @jamesmaverick11: So excited to have my new website launched today! Check it out!!! https://t.co/mI46xIlqU7 15:18:11
My Life Yesterday
April 11, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment