- Feeling so much better that here's a pic of my #slit for you for putting up with me! #box #twat #snatch #cunt https://t.co/H6E4p0JfHz 00:19:55
- RT @ThatsOurWaldo: An official (and truly trippy) video for Xiu Xiu's interpretations of Nightsea Wind & Into The Night: https://t.co/uqIs7… 10:37:06
- Cold film of sweat, raging compulsive masturbation, weird electric shiver-shock-chills, elevator-drop feels, CAN'T SLEEP, tearbursts, etc. 13:26:37
- I hate it when you #chatroulette onto someone you already nexted. 14:07:23
- I'm all about building bridges. #flash #chatroulette #thumbsup
(just trying to stay sane through withdrawals) https://t.co/GKrtMvWfmo 14:12:46 - RT @DeliaTS: Doing a little bit of camming this afternoon
https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 14:32:01
- RT @OnePerfectShot: [MUST-WATCH] Martin Scorsese on Framing https://t.co/0gL7e71nME By @blankonblank https://t.co/7gzbBBdbJJ 15:50:43
- RT @GraciePassette: Celebrating The Early Days Of Spring With The Leg Warmer #Fetish (inc @tastytrixie) https://t.co/LkVOguxtIT https://t.c… 16:48:22
- Crushing cans! Stomping on garbage! Right before it started raining! Birdies singing!
This is… https://t.co/wpqvyA0yfk 18:58:38
- One of my favorite ways to photograph my wife: #hard #stickingout of a #nightgown, shot #POV from below, #onmyknees. https://t.co/pJuk92NVKz 19:39:26
My Life Yesterday
April 15, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment