- RT @OmgPokemonGo: 10 mins into pokemongo and chill.. https://t.co/yoLTSKwchJ 00:22:47
- Yeahhhhhh … I think I'll keep 'em.
#bignaturals #busty #36DD https://t.co/jk5MrORgBG 00:48:48
- Awwwww! What a nice list to be crushed on/in! https://t.co/ZOSp73lfi6 06:02:47
- TFW your #midlifecrisis winds up & you get your brain back & decide you don't want to cope by lowering your standards to #normal anymore. 06:22:18
- RT @Alex_S_Morgan: #BlackLivesMatter calls for the immediate, retroactive decriminalization of sex work & drug charges: https://t.co/UktwJF… 06:25:56
- My #inspiration for today: goatsofanarchy's video https://t.co/MdRDo2QaFt #work #walk #roll #fly 06:32:33
- RT @LadyOFyre: Batman, Enslaved Crusader! w/ @TaurusAngelBA @Msfunontheside @LazFyre is out now! #cosplay
https://t.co/orZ20COB2x https://t… 14:04:35 - Ha! I should clarify that I wasn't actually considering doing anything to my boobs.
#keepingitreal #noreduction https://t.co/XCc07lLovm 14:48:11
- (though in my early twenties I did consider having my boobs removed; at the time felt they were not essential to my being & only a risk) 14:49:21
I ran over a garter snake on my bike. #sad
I'm so sorry, snake. Also saw a boy on his bike narrowly miss being hit by a car. 17:19:42
- Like holding a #memory #orb of childhood #summers: the old #plum tree in the backyard, not there… https://t.co/uxLpR25llz 18:29:18
- RT @DeliaTS: Logging in for an evening cam session
—> https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 20:03:11
- #blackandwhite #dorkface #cougar-ish #cleavage #ham #sunglasses #summer #dork #backyard… https://t.co/biBGWrwLg6 20:25:00
- Looking at fancy houses I wish I could buy my wife. 23:17:55
My Life Yesterday
August 4, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment