- I just farted outside in the cool morning air, birds chirping all around me. The neighborhood probably interpreted it as a duck quack. 07:20:16
- Birds done chirping… Now it's foghorns & the thumpy knocking of our big woodpeckers. 07:32:58
- RT @BardotSmith: Women making money unapologetically & on their own terms is the most threatening force to patrimonial capitalism. It's not… 10:22:06
- RT @SirenSeaOpal: #FollowFriday @SydneyScreams4u @tastytrixie @mypierogative Sexy wet ladies and gents! Have a great weekend
- Thinking about how serial monogamy-ishness & polyamory aren't really mutually exclusive. 10:30:26
- RT @LuxAlptraum: Whenever people are all, "Internet porn makes men rapey monsters," I'm all, "Yes, this is why pre-Internet sex was 100% co… 10:31:08
- LOVE short fingernails with chipped half-gone polish! Adorable, & WAY better / infinitely sexier than acrylics. https://t.co/iH6soZtiFd 10:34:42
- My contributions to the summer soundscape: Jeff Buckley's Mojo Pin & my old Hitachi vibrator sounding like a mini lawnmower. 11:09:19
- RT @DeliaTS: Just logged in for some Friday webcam fun! https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 14:05:46
- It's almost grotesque how happy I feel. Even though I lost a check somewhere between picking up the mail & getting home. 16:24:16
- (yes, I've been avoiding looking at the news, & I live in a place that's relatively & weirdly utopian, & I'm white, & lucky AF & #lithium) 16:26:34
- (what I mean is I'm enormously privileged to be able to ignore the news / be unaffected; other people have to actually be resilient etc.) 16:49:43
- RT @FacesPics: Sea is for Cookie https://t.co/4gWiVZnGad 17:11:33
- I get a lot of looks when I wear this riding my bike. https://t.co/V9pS4GUYbe 17:13:31
- Little old smashy-faced big-tits with #glasses #milf-type in #tanktop with #nobra.
#peanuts… https://t.co/CTAUXgTYok 17:42:26 - Just saw someone doing a 100 days of makeup challenge. Just the idea of 100 straight days putting on & wearing makeup depresses me. A lot. 17:51:27
- I don't hate makeup & I like wearing it sometimes, but YUCK. Not for me. 100 days of sex is a way better commitment to make. If into that. 17:53:14
- So gross I can't even laugh at it! Luckily for everybody who likes to have fun on Fridays, I'm staying home. https://t.co/9j7bG4STbd 19:48:19
- Awwwww! #belatedRT https://t.co/ca7kI5ZzD6 19:49:15
- Now that I've washed my hair & cleansed my soiled anus, I've earned HOT SPICY SAUSAGE. #mouthwatering #dinnertime #mybigappetite #ilovemeats 21:20:24
- Really adorable picture: https://t.co/90hs29Hc3a 21:20:57
- RT @masinofan1: @NikkiJadeTaylor @nikkimontero @joannajet @juliastockings @tastytrixie @DeliaTS 6 sexy ladies looking stunning https://t.co… 23:43:27
My Life Yesterday
August 6, 2016
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