- RT @DeliaTS: Some of my homemade specialties on https://t.co/tGGSNRugUJ: #stockings * #tenting * #outdoors in the #pnw * #LOVE https://t.co… 08:43:53
- RT @messycummings: Today's movie of choice! #thetrannybunch I love @AUBREYKATEXXX and @DeliaTS in this. What a fun movie. ♥♥♥ https://t.co/… 08:44:06
- RT @DeliaTS: When rooms overlap, HOT SEX HAPPENS! (in porno/fantasyland
JOIN for all of my #indieporn> https://t.co/iILRd5YH1i https://t… 08:44:13
- #TRAFFICKED (joking / not joking / all of these convos make me cringe) #sexwork #marriageslavery) https://t.co/Ag3OwCYSKB 10:03:58
- Someone call the Dept. of "Homeland Security"! (Words/title that should not be said without bitter ironic horror & sarcasm & resistance) in reply to tastytrixie 10:06:51
- RT @WendySummerscom: Update on my Fan Challenge; Still not enough tributes yet to wear an evening gown but I will be streaming the game! ht… 10:09:09
- RT @LazFyre: 500 likes for @AdrianMaya_XXX riding my cock & we'll release this scene by @LadyOFyre here: https://t.co/0HbKF5dLDr https://t.… 11:50:30
- Cut down a bunch of out-of-control #blackberryvines, & got a little #prick . Bonus: #wicked… https://t.co/hMz64eMikH 11:57:34
- RT @DeliaTS: Just logged in for an afternoon cam session! – https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 15:25:33
- RT @nberlat: Here's a depressing article about how Trump can damage democracy even if he loses: https://t.co/delJ8sD061 17:07:06
- Vaping #mj at the
bus stop. #class – I mostly loved riding the bus already but long treks via public transport are even better now! 17:11:53
- What's a lavender flag mean? I don't want to send the wrong message, I just need a #hanky. https://t.co/7BeSMpBggJ 17:22:04
- I could listen to this 99 times in a row & not stop laughing at & choking up over & loving it. #peculiartastes https://t.co/2MVq4SNwpL 17:46:25
- Heck yeah! https://t.co/QBHjXgyxay 18:29:36
- I'm not a prude or a terrible scold, but girls walking around with their asses hanging out? I shouldn't see skin 1 inch from yer butthole. 19:20:58
My Life Yesterday
August 9, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment