- A little #stony #afterglow video. #jiggle #ledzeppelin https://t.co/pQ2RpGDmHP 13:03:27
- A quick #grin with my #wife @deliats inside me
https://t.co/v6hAcesIfh 13:10:10
- We probably wouldn't even know #StarTrek without her: https://t.co/yn0oUIlJC4 13:17:21
- RT @frankenstein007: Ban porn all you want, people'll still draw tits in the sand – it's called being human, being alive 13:35:40
- https://t.co/DIRwkzBx8p 13:42:55
- AND he says shit I thought is actual TREASON about our #commanderinchief https://t.co/XzPCnQYF0F 13:50:12
- Excited deliats & I came up with a #weddingring design. Finally! @DeliaTS on IG.
Just a… https://t.co/brZUYHrPfA 16:50:32
My Life Yesterday
August 12, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment