- RT @DrSprankle: As a university professor, I shouldn't be the first person in someone's life to teach them that masturbation is healthy. #C… 00:12:23
- RT @veryowengray: At Sauvie Island in Portland today
my wife: flop your dick around, come on, do it! Flop it! Come oooon https://t.co/Hbd0… 16:40:34
- I think I'm about to find out just what coke zero, twizzler bites plus honey mustard & onion pretzel stick puke tastes like. #myownfault 19:25:25
- If you want more homestyle Pacific Northwest #bignaturals, follow our neighbors to the south
https://t.co/JYRNKeUBzl 21:28:24
My Life Yesterday
August 28, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment