{{{{hugs}}}} definitely welcome & way more than okay! https://t.co/aSqZYSBC1M 18:42:48
My Life Yesterday
September 30, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
My Life Yesterday
September 29, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- I love how @DeliaTS & my fave guy took care of me & details & made my travels so easy I barely had to use my brain at all to get to & fro. 12:28:49
- RT @AndyRichter: I RT'd this earlier, but man, I can't get over this story. Makes my blood boil. https://t.co/xFPHCjyxao 12:32:35
- RT @AndyRichter: Growing up, our income came from two small businesses in the building trades. I know what a big job can mean to a family… 12:32:43
- RT @AndyRichter: …and I also know what it's like to have 1 of those big jobs be for some lying shitbird bigshot who fucks over little ppl… 12:32:47
- RT @AndyRichter: …& I know what damage their shirking, whether caused by greed or incompetence, can do to a real live American household.… 12:32:51
- RT @AndyRichter: If you're a working person, YOU KNOW THIS GUY. You know a version of this rich cheap prick. And you're going to let him r… 12:32:55
The bills he doesn't pay don't go unpaid. Families pay them. 12:33:00
- RT @livequiet: Does your solitude guide your inner compass?
#RethinkQuiet wisdom from Alice Walker. https://t.co/kAo9FoHvN3 12:33:26
- Journaled 32 pages in my #snotebook on plane last night to help cope with my #fearofflying. https://t.co/A9jPg7Zo3U 12:38:56
- Good thought-provoking thread: https://t.co/6D4roSkxuj 13:07:49
- RT @mousewords: ..because a photo of a ladybug riding a dandelion seed can only make your day better. https://t.co/NPwxsxy2I2 17:01:47
- #hoodcanal #bridge #sunset #olympicmountains #goinghome #bus https://t.co/1kHKxNufG1 18:59:39
- In bed watching #TheBronze with @DeliaTS … LOVE THIS MOVIE. Soooooo gooooooood. 22:52:31
My Life Yesterday
September 28, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- RT @BaileyJayTweets: Finally. Some GOOD news. https://t.co/MGeZDJ7gj8 13:11:23
- RT @DeliaTS: On cam for a bit this afternoon – – > https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 15:15:51
- They told me #Sedona is beautiful: IT IS! #westfork #mayhewslodge #ruins #southwest #bluesky https://t.co/w7GsQYusKx 17:28:19
My Life Yesterday
September 27, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Oddly beautiful realization: to me, the day our dog died was more emotionally profound in @DeliaTS & my relationship than our wedding day. 01:58:19
- Debates? NO. Just got perfectly fucked & filled after rubbing in slippery lace-edged panties all over his big hard dick. 22:40:27
- …after watching Ip Man 3. I love these movies! #ipman #kungfu 22:41:45
My Life Yesterday
September 26, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- I'm sorry you're #dead, little #lizard. You are now also a very pretty picture. https://t.co/jodQT3mDnD 19:37:30
My Life Yesterday
September 25, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. Too few tops. 06:19:37
- Don't answer that. Only sharing for the comfort it may bring someone else out there.
#adrift #sociallyinept https://t.co/Bo4pl7Pf0x 06:23:30
- RT @digitalsista: You're no longer reading the history of the civil rights era. You're watching it before your eyes. You're also witnessing… 06:52:53
- #foot #fan #empty #bedroom https://t.co/kbkvg7L4VU 10:26:00
- RT @T_Coombes: To turn up pressure on Argentina to take in more refugees, @amnistiaar recreated a Syrian living room in the metro
https://t… 10:54:28 - My man & boy issues extend way past daddy to grandpa to brothers to semi trucks to 7&7 to neighbors to welding in the garage to (on & on) 12:28:54
- RT @aminawadud: ‘Who is this Robert Smith?’: A quiet billionaire makes some noise w/ $20 million gift to the African American museum https:… 12:39:06
- If @DeliaTS & I lived here, every day would be a good hair day, & our skin always golden & pool-wrinkled. 16:32:32
My Life Yesterday
September 24, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- #slit #slot #upskirt https://t.co/QccG0rOIMX 08:14:30
- RT @asbinvancity: https://t.co/pY9RJZu0oD #PREDATOR #RAPIST #THEIF abuses #sexworker please RT @PaceSociety @mistressmatisse @Maggie_McNeill 08:22:35
- Have you watched @DifficultOnHulu? Would you recommend I watch it? 09:28:53
- RT @DeliaTS: I'll be playing on cam for awhile today and this evening :)—->https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 14:13:31
My Life Yesterday
September 23, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- RT @SocialInSeattle: "I do not think much of a man who does not know more today than he did yesterday." – Abraham Lincoln 00:37:50
- RT @ShimermanArmin: No one knows Star Trek better than Rick& he is absolutely right. Star Trek is about a better future which won't happen… 00:39:08
- My pussy smells like dirty sweaty feet on his face. #hotornot 11:50:04
- RT @DeliaTS: Back on cam for an afternoon session —>https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 14:04:59
- RT @OnePerfectShot: [watch] 34 Creative Cuts from STRANGER THINGS https://t.co/XbQ4N3lrIT https://t.co/GopvRpVVCI 16:13:54
- RT @AcademicsSay: Attribution explained. https://t.co/FFN9FpO5ql 16:23:55
My Life Yesterday
September 22, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- TFW you're paranoid about bumping into people from your past & a big guy OPENS your fave guy's DOOR demanding to know if you recognize him. 11:57:28
- Tested & confirmed. https://t.co/oclIDyaonD 12:00:19
- I totally think the guy who burst into the apartment this morning was #joshhartnett. In camo. 14:35:37
- Playing with my fave guy's big white deck. #mtg #dirtywordplay #edh https://t.co/pbaAnc0nN3 19:11:10
- RT @DeliaTS: I'll be playing on cam for awhile this evening :)—->https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 20:07:10
- Watching #StarWarsTheForceAwakens https://t.co/ZVLBy7tivU 21:13:18
- The kind of vacation with a lover where the pool ends up being closed when you get there. And… https://t.co/8tY3oXqnFH 22:04:27
- It blows my mind how many actors have no photo on @IMDb 22:53:46
My Life Yesterday
September 21, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- RT @mistressmatisse: More coverage of "trafficking rescue" org that turned out to be a scam. @CourageWorld https://t.co/TA1YRZbcUi 11:43:27
- Masturbating in the middle of last night. Because I had to get myself off or like, DIE. https://t.co/mc1gugFKsN 11:52:50
- Finally recognized a huge part of my problem is I haven't been drunk &/or high much at all on this visit the way I usually am with him. 11:55:37
- First time spending time in a desert town (other than Vegas). I don't hate it. #flowers https://t.co/Knd5arDKr0 13:46:40
- Ha, @billymiyaki
It's more part of problem than a solution. I did bring stuff though & will probably use it now bc I'm not sleeping well. in reply to billymiyaki 15:04:36
- #medialiteracy & general #literacy: you have to want & value it instead of pride in ignorance, hate & dumb-fuckery. https://t.co/fso8m83ZVL 16:08:23
- RT @CyborgN8VMari: do not fetishize us as if we are dead props. Fight alongside us to save all our water together https://t.co/nYqYzETEhN 16:24:53
- RT @CharleneCac: If you're coming around, it's hella important to think through solutions that don't give police or prisons more money or p… 16:50:53
- RT @_peech: Thread. https://t.co/caaBR43Sbg 16:56:15
- RT @MissSinBin: That time Iggy Pop held Quark's Mom hostage. #DS9 #Moogie https://t.co/Ma4d3zuKwl 20:35:36
- RT @BreeNewsome: There's a tendency, particularly by media, to hyper-focus on details of a single case (the tree) while ignoring systemic r… 20:35:50
- RT @JamilahLemieux: If a video of an unarmed person getting massacred by a cop doesn't change hearts/minds, your logical Tweets cannot. Sav… 20:56:02
- RT @theferocity: If you keep killing us, there won’t be any black people left to stand for the National Anthem — and I know how important t… 20:58:58