- Sunday excitement: washing a load of my favorite cozy fat-man underwear. So soft. So roomy. So comfortable. #letitbreathe #plumper 11:20:21
- More exciting than my big boy underwear: MY WIFE, @DeliaTS, LIVE ON CAM RIGHT NOW! >>>>> https://t.co/pv7Mli8QqG https://t.co/cbSBYh4g8m 11:23:14
- @masinofan1 hahaha — someone should make roomy pink satin boxer briefs! in reply to masinofan1 11:36:30
- Surprised how much I love having a side salad with my bacon & eggs & polenta. I like it so much I want my last bites to be green! #finisher 14:51:38
- Deeply immersed in doing #webmaster & #promo work we should be able to hire other people to do. But aren't able to. So. But I do enjoy it! 23:30:33
- THANK YOU, folks who joined https://t.co/BwhqrY8F61 / our sites & all of you who keep memberships. Last weeks' sales encouraged me so much! in reply to tastytrixie 23:58:20
My Life Yesterday
September 5, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment