- RT @ILLCapitano94: A movie Director, A writer for Marvel, and a Manga writer collaborate on an empowering female protagonist. https://t.co/… 00:05:24
- Wish I had sanctuary of a bathroom w/a deep cell of a tub, heated floor, waterproof beanbag bed, etc. For cozy all-night #enema nap time. 00:12:56
- MUST DO: some intensive #work examining, rebuilding, strengthening & prioritizing my #valuesystem. Real #freedom requires #mindful practice. 00:17:35
- I want to eat everything. Everything. EVERYTHING. Without stopping. All night. Where nobody can see me. #bringmemytrough #ihaveaproblem #or9 01:10:59
https://t.co/HasknXx8EP 10:18:08
- I'm so lucky that my simple goal of drinking a huge glass of #water when I wake up is even possible. #WaterIsLife #CleanWater #runningwater 14:32:50
- I'm even WAY more super exclusively lucky that @DeliaTS is my life and love partner. #rare #love #marriage #luck #privilege #home in reply to tastytrixie 14:49:15
- #blackandwhite
#tmilf https://t.co/0474GwuNiZ 15:08:58
- I have this on NONSTOP: all day, all night. So #soothing, masks distractions. https://t.co/IwN6J6VFJM #whitenoise #brownnoise #spaceship 22:55:01
My Life Yesterday
October 4, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment