• What would I do if I got a terminal diagnosis? Eat myself to sweet fat painkillered-up death before the disease could took me down. 00:20:07
  • I want to keep eating so bad I feel like crying. Even without smoking MJ. I want to keep putting things in my mouth. For hours, nonstop. 00:27:13
  • And don't give me that "don't deprive yourself" b-shit. There actually is such a thing as eating too much. Like when you make yourself sick. in reply to tastytrixie 00:28:26
  • You've no idea how many hours I spend consumed by my obsession with food, if not actually consuming it, too. It is all I can think about RN. in reply to tastytrixie 00:30:58
  • Fucked, fed &/or gone. Fully consumed or safely absent. Those are the desires I'm driven by all too often. What's the solution again?

    Oh. 00:54:38

  • My most hated creature in nature. And a spiritual reminder to me not to hate or think "evil" what is simply part of… https://t.co/nBvpqySuMx 00:57:27
  • Why am I such a sucker for this dumb clickbait account's links to vag discharge, menstrual-fluid-like-mashed-frozen-blueberries, etc links? 01:52:37
  • ZOMG I feel so much better. #spicy #ramen #sativa #cokezero #LithiumOrotate (amazing what a quick gentle difference it makes) 02:16:06
  • It's never worth it for me to forego getting massage to try to save money. When will I accept this? 02:21:08
  • I want @DeliaTS to come home now. Now, so much. 03:04:22
  • I wish more interesting things would get stuck in my head than names like Heywood Jablome. It's not even a joke you can actually tell aloud. 03:14:52
  • When will I learn I should have a thick sausage or stick of salami at the ready in the house at all times? 04:58:25
  • Happiest childhood memories? Having strep throat & getting to be home alone for a week. Stuff like that. Times anyone made food justforme. 05:32:37
  • I spend too much time worrying over the shadow side of things/myself & not enough celebrating the light.

    OH LOOK I just did it again! 😉 12:54:34

  • RT @witchysheep: If your character roster ends up looking like this, stop and try again! Try harder! https://t.co/tI5rqT7c8I 13:46:34
  • RT @mistressmatisse: When the world feels toxic, I find it grounding to stop & focus on just doing 1 kind thing for someone. @swopbehindbar13:47:29
  • I want to be able to celebrate growing older and becoming "crusty" the way celebrated old man characters get to be, and not derided for it. 14:05:38
  • My body feels amazing -grounded-n-LIGHT-sparkly- after a bike/push in the chilly fall air. Probably from all the stretching yesterday, too. 18:10:59
  • Oops — you weren't supposed to be able to read that thing that included "I'm not fucking imagining this meatball!" 18:13:49
  • My nose is still cold, @JaneBurgess! And it's an hour & a half since I've been home & inside. Still … I love your land of swimming pools. in reply to JaneBurgess 18:28:56
  • RT @DeliaTS: Going to be on cam for a little while this evening! – – – >https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 19:29:43
  • #turnons #moreplease https://t.co/UUui6Ay6Ys 21:14:06
  • #sohot #bellylove #bellykisses #softspots #hotspots #vulnerable #tummylove https://t.co/gP9RtUhTL5 21:15:47
  • For anxiety, hallucinations, etc. @mistressmatisse @fardareismai2 – my sister is a hospital RN & they do sometimes. Caution IS warranted. in reply to mistressmatisse 21:19:30
  • Even with warnings & telling myself to stay away from edibles I had a HORRIBLE experience with a brownie @mistressmatisse @fardareismai2 in reply to mistressmatisse 21:21:56
  • RT @DeliaTS: Just had a member who was looking for this classic and timely photo/video set from 2005! I got to lol at my own joke in the de… 21:50:09