- RT @DanLindsey77: Nighttime visible image of the potent system approaching the NW coast of the U.S.. Reflected moonlight is awesome. #VII… 11:30:43
- For some reason I'm not believing this storm is going to be any worse than our usual windstorms in this town. @DeliaTS is a believer though. 12:19:54
- RT @thenation: On Monday, Amy Goodman will turn herself in to police in Mandan, North Dakota. Her crime—journalism. https://t.co/GCMK6VWchZ 12:20:36
- I love how @tscaramel gives blow-by-blow descriptions of ways I shot/teased/directed/touched @DeliaTS in her vids: https://t.co/SM4qs83Z1Y 12:25:28
- RT @SeattleMystery: Amber and Fran are here, the sign is at the corner for now, and we've got lots of adventure for you before the storm r… 13:09:30
- Fingers crossed (in a probably futile gesture) that our power & internet connection stay up for us to prepare our 2015 taxes this weekend. 13:45:21
- Backwards thinking: when I'm glad we made way less money than in years past so we have less tax to pay. Not the direction I want to go! 14:43:15
- Just starting to blow now … if it really keeps getting worse as night comes it's going to be freaky. https://t.co/zEhV8tCKqo 16:10:50
- RT @NWSSeattle: The low at 1 pm. #wawx https://t.co/e25snnvND8 16:41:23
- RT @NWSSeattle: …and here is the 4pm sea level pressure analysis https://t.co/Q2La0bz0Wt 16:41:52
- RT @NWSSeattle: satellite loop noon to 3:40 shows the low center just west of the clear break nearing the north Washington coast https://t.… 16:42:10
- (we're located in the middle of the mustard) https://t.co/2aRgYhSwCu 16:43:31
- I love that, from inside the house, there's a frog out there who is loud enough to be heard over the wind and rain. 18:03:26
- This #storm is pretty #anticlimactic where we're at. #knockonwood … our surrounding #peckerpoles are stronger than they look. 19:12:09
- RT @xbiancastonex: If u have an @VoteNoProp60 soundbite, spoken word, or audio commercial u want to send me for the 1st podcast email: info… 19:12:59
- RT @FFUnderground: Take time to let someone know they matter. Kindness makes all the diFFerence in this extremely negative world we live in… 19:13:02
- RT @Toure: A universe of tough, elected Republicans refused to stand up to Trump but they want to know why women he assaulted didn’t stand… 20:28:53
- RT @ktumulty: Random men emailing me after my latest story that I am too old and ugly for them to want to grope. Apparently they think this… 20:29:06
- I truly don't want people to click on me & see sexual content without expecting it; want my name to be sufficient without sounding ALL porn. 22:24:50
- Never thought I'd say this, but I *loved* the most recent @ProjectRunway team challenge. It made our hearts very glad. #plan #pitch #heart 22:38:28
- RT @WhoresofYore: Read about the case here – https://t.co/V2X7zo6Mmz https://t.co/qJnHu1jOgy 22:49:41
- Can't even describe the level of happy contentment I feel with @DeliaTS tonight / this weekend. I just feel like everything is so sweet. 22:58:00
- RT @veryowengray: Denouncing porn as bad education while failing to address the misinformation of sex Ed in our school system is so patheti… 23:50:25
My Life Yesterday
October 16, 2016
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