- Crying after talking to my sister having to tell our nephews in the morning. 00:02:59
- RT @queengabbi: something to think about tonight https://t.co/HIhxN9cGnF 00:03:20
- RT @EmbryEthan: Woman's rights
Gay rights
Freedom of religion
Freedom of press
Environmental science
All goneAnd that's only what he said… 00:13:18
- If I'm this sad worrying about my little blond white nephews? Other people have it so much scarier and sadder. https://t.co/jnJuvZMPw1 00:16:02
- And then afterwards the dumbasses start talking about Trump supporters "pain" being what drove them to it. 00:17:57
- Here's what I want you to do, liberals & progressives: BUY SOME GUNS PLEASE & LEARN HOW TO USE THEM & TEACH OTHERS TO USE THEM & DONATE $$$. 00:19:35
- Gun control the way you want it is a lost cause & if this takes hold, we the people are going to be so fucking outmatched. 00:21:07
- Goodnight again. I'm going to remember wasting much time to be sad & be vocally angry are both expensive privileges. https://t.co/qPSQvDoZhr 00:24:48
- RT @jaffathecake: In history class I remember thinking "how did German people let that happen?"
Now I know. 00:25:13
- RT @dzuelke: @jaffathecake @idangazit it's almost worse. The Nazis initially got a third of the vote, and Hitler was appointed chancellor,… 00:25:51
- RT @trevortimm: Rudy Giuliani is cackling on MSNBC right now: "this is like Andrew Jackson's victory," he says. You know, the racist genoci… 00:28:51
- Also? Smoke *less* pot. Seriously. Sober the fuck up & get really clear, everyone.
She says after just blowing $80 on weed. Blah blah blah. 00:31:04
- RT @Kitta: Wiener dogs dressed as hotdogs for anyone feeling depressed right now. #allthefeels https://t.co/0XeJ81VhCU 00:31:28
- The idea I might have to have a tit or two removed is nothing compared to this election bullshit. 01:04:22
- RT @EugeneMirman: Well, imagine all the amazing art and music that will come out over the next four years. 01:19:44
- RT @mitchsunderland: On the bright side, art and culture is always great during turbulent times 01:20:02
- RT @modernistwitch: Fuck it. I wrote something more formal. I didn't think we'd see a concession tonight. https://t.co/tmOrdiUwcS 08:01:31
- RT @RockyMntnMike: https://t.co/tbs7COhDZN 08:01:49
- Your "pain" about "what constitutes a family"? Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you & your ignorant scary-ass hate. FUCK. YOU. 09:10:42
- RT @Toure: I’m trying to make sure my kids don’t fear for the future of America the way I do. That would be too much for them to carry. 09:38:54
- These fantasies ignore how much our west coast economies are huge parts of the military industrial complex. #nochill https://t.co/oO4YHFwkpP 09:42:38
- RT @albiemitchellx: My sister got to work today and people thought it was funny to ask for her green card. This mindset was validated yeste… 09:45:19
- RT @UnbridledBeef: Counseling kids this morning who come to me afraid because kids are screaming in their face about how they'll be sent ba… 09:47:02
- Create sanctuaries. Arm yourselves & each other- with knowledge, with conviction, with boundaries against hate, with weapons-to defend them. 09:50:42
- RT @absurdistwords: Its time for our illusions to come down.
That we are in a post racial society
That the crowd will do the right thing
T… 10:39:54 - RT @jmonkiew: Hate spiked after Brexit, and will likely spike tomorrow in US. Here's a guide to intervening if you witness it. https://t.co… 10:41:04
- Please read all you can, people, and role play & practice creating safe space when folks are harassed, threatened, etc. @jmonkiew @tumblr in reply to jmonkiew 10:44:44
- Feeling better. Cried a little. Ranted. Getting my pre-hope-hope back. Checking in with a more realistic-reality. Hyphenating redundantly. 13:02:21
- I love the duality of gifts today, to both simplify to golden-rule values…and to explode with new learning, beauty, strength & brilliance. 13:06:21
- It's a phenomenally intricate wise dance to learn, to submit & resist, listen & sing, love fearlessly & tirelessly … to retreat & attack. 13:09:29
- Gratitude lists, all day long. Check in with what's real & good & solid around & below & above. Focus on one beautiful thing. Recite WaltW. 13:13:48
- Yeah, because having TWO people see me naked is WAY more comfortable than just the doctor. That vigilant lady-nurse thing. I don't like it. 18:31:46
- Not what I had on my bookshop pleasure-read list (forgot to pack my current read) but 🎠. #WomenOfTheKlan #BlackNoir https://t.co/c4LRgtqWmc 19:43:38
- OMFG. I shouldn't be even remotely surprised. What a fucking nightmare. https://t.co/to0JSgcPSF 19:47:09
- RT @JoyAnnReid: If y'all think the DNC, which couldn't secure its servers, is capable of rigging 50+ primaries you know nothing about the D… 19:49:36
- RT @HowellONeill: The ACLU's front page https://t.co/ERDl54Dzz3 19:50:54
- Sound familiar? And you can add us to the list – MY WIFE and I – of the not-good people. https://t.co/LYHYUilzhq 20:20:28
- Queer people our age remember them trying to lynch a lesbian a couple towns over from us. We still avoid going there. You can feel it. #hate 20:21:13
- RT @digiphile: "if false news is spreading in communities that want to believe it, few will mark it as false" https://t.co/AtWXI97XJY 21:34:45
- 2 big special compatibilities with @DeliaTS: our own sound/screwy-words vocabulary, & we simultaneously start drumming together outside. 22:21:37
- Thanks, @rexwhamming …alas, it is probably overambitious in general, and for sure financially right now. And the three guys: so different. in reply to rexwhamming 22:38:23
My Life Yesterday
November 10, 2016
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