- RT @heartsofspace: This week on Hearts of Space: INTO THE STORM—electronic spacemusic for turbulent times. https://t.co/xFDv7fxuuI 09:48:22
- RT @heathercorinna: So, on top of EVERYTHING else, Obama has play Kindergarten teacher for the man who delegitimized his position in the fi… 10:07:55
- RT @heathercorinna: @neosorbista He is an idiot with no desire to do homework. We knew this. 10:08:34
- RT @ShaunKing: The night Steve Bannon choked his wife, he was angry with her for "making noise" when she woke up to feed the baby.
https:/… 10:09:33
- RT @MrJamesonNeat: "What if women would go out & get raped on purpose (to be able to get an abortion) just so they could get off work?" – P… 10:09:39
- RT @ILLCapitano94: A misogynist black man, a homophobic woman, and a racist gay man. Das dat intersectional bigotry https://t.co/rhHDTumlPR 10:11:27
- RT @heathercorinna: Also, a reminder for those who still somehow don't get this: tokenism is NOT inclusion, for crissakes. 10:11:57
- RT @edokonrad: When the @nytimes uses the word 'provocateur' rather than 'white nationalist anti-Semite' to describe Stephen Bannon, that's… 10:26:06
- RT @KarlreMarks: Let's face it, the best scenario right now is if Trump focused on abusing his office to enrich himself and ignored his cam… 10:26:08
- RT @DDestiny_Diaz: Not every cam girl is an aspiring pornstar trying to beak into mainstream porn. https://t.co/nnj2fjKGen 10:30:45
- RT @meakoopa: North Carolina cuts out segments from last night's SNL, in case u wondered where we are at dystopia-wise. https://t.co/wZPBPB… 10:34:04
- RT @ParkerMolloy: Literally everything these two clowns ran on were things they projected onto Clinton. https://t.co/p6WodVaorQ https://t.c… 10:35:51
- Three kinds of people today: #peopletoday https://t.co/YNIZ1PEbhb 13:15:37
- GRATITUDE 1: for folks with fortitude & balls to not unfollow or unfriend people (like me!) even when we say shit that annoys each other. 13:35:27
- GRATITUDE 2: for out or non-"passing" trans people who WELCOME kids who ask them if they're trans … & get to hear them say SO AM I. 13:37:15
- GRATITUDE 3: for people who remind me (without being dismissive or condescending) of the value of calm, serenity, silence. #pickyourbattles 13:57:02
- (and I'm also grateful for so many people who can't emotionally afford any of that, value other things, etc.) 13:58:03
- @NutritiousMvmnt (and it's in the window of somewhere I'm guessing you've been: The Blue Moose) in reply to NutritiousMvmnt 14:00:47
- My latest AMAZING b-movie/porno idea: @DeliaTS as a hot 80's CHAINSAW ARTIST. Carves giant phalli, tits, etc. Sexy shenanigans ensue. 14:18:36
- Unfortunately @DeliaTS not on board. I say it will WIN HEARTS & AWARDS. She says "if John Waters is voting".
My wife won't learn to carve. in reply to tastytrixie 14:20:42
- RT @lottelydia: As a historian, I would like to say: THIS IS TERRIBLE ADVICE. My evidence is: ALL OF HISTORY. https://t.co/hHRy2zcOcQ 14:24:20
- RT @kurteichenwald: In @Newsweek: The deluded say Sanders would've coasted into White House. They never saw GOPs oppo research. I did. http… 16:23:45
- RT @RightWingWatch: Ben Carson, who thinks the theory of evolution is the work of Satan, may be our next Secretary of Education https://t.c… 16:24:27
- RT @juliannagoldman: .@realDonaldTrump team has asked @WhiteHouse how his children could receive top secret security clearances – details o… 16:30:47
- RT @TrayneshaCole: An easy guide how to reveal a privileged person
#racism #WhitePrivilege https://t.co/zcGRJyXSED 16:34:40 - @strangerswmandy I hope he makes it worth your while & you get lots of money & massages (& you're uninjured)! And made flight!! in reply to strangerswmandy 18:29:24
- RT @ari_laurel: The only thing this proves to me is that I can say anything I want to at a city council meeting, and should. 18:30:44
- Hahahaha 😆 https://t.co/q0ZAiweOes 18:32:51
- RT @HeyAllieMoon: Go home, Sephora, you're drunk. https://t.co/nkaBmby6VC 18:33:13
- True crime: maybe part of why it's so soothing to watch forensic files & stuff is all can agree: THAT'S WRONG. THAT MURDER THING WAS WRONG. 18:52:02
- I also love true crime tv for the actors in & production of reenactments. I like watching folks work in the cheap docu-thrills genre. 18:57:36
- PEOPLE: it's a terribly bad idea to keep trying to get Clinton in the White House now. Many reasons. IDK WTF you're thinking on that score. 22:00:30
My Life Yesterday
November 15, 2016
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