- They should, but I'm a super big no on anybody taking away anybody's right to negotiate their own terms of consent,… https://t.co/H7i2wMI3Bo 00:15:23
- I love you asking these questions (and I feel like this one is where it gets very sticky for indie sex worker/produ… https://t.co/0j8ErDcVMu 00:17:08
- Excited to sleep in the cabin again, even if/because the #moon will keep me awake. https://t.co/bjfjrWni2E 01:35:20
- RT @Sarcasticsapien: Me: You have to let go of things you can't control.
Also me: https://t.co/yMZqSgmfeI 01:39:55
- I've just got a new #fan! Get access to my unseen and exclusive content at https://t.co/u9kAooaQ7Q https://t.co/rzWiPG1grA 07:03:22
- RT @DeliaTS: I'm a sleepy webwhore with a stiffy in #pinkpanties & Levis in my latest members-only gallery >>> https://t.co/AUsk6eFW1R http… 14:02:05
- I don't understand the big Hugh Jackman headline, but otherwise good news: https://t.co/Ldsq6bU7aQ 18:29:13
- Kaleidoscope boobs https://t.co/u9kAooaQ7Q 19:26:03
- 9,999! I'm going to hold my poop until I hit 10k followers noSORRYcantholditahhjhhh
- Flashing in a field of barley (snapped by my mom) >>>> https://t.co/u9kAooaQ7Q 21:46:19
- Xmas Light Dildo 2006: Some of my fave pics from a holiday gallery ten years ago… https://t.co/u9kAooaQ7Q 21:54:19
My Life Yesterday
December 13, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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