- @jackandjillcpl oranges! At least I remember one of their Christmases involving being super stoked to get oranges. And hair ribbons maybe. in reply to jackandjillcpl 00:52:14
- Not too great, how my sister and I are treating each other. Trying super hard, not hard enough … crying. #sad 01:05:11
- Thank you, Twitter, for giving me something to smile at today. #merrychristmas https://t.co/w6W5C7zewM 10:25:04
- 2016 was harder for me than my long chunks of solitude required me to deal with. And I was harder on people than any of them deserved. 13:43:10
- Unfortunately it's too-often true: "hurt people hurt people." Even when we don't want to and "know" better.
I need to *practice* better. in reply to tastytrixie 13:45:49
- Merry Christmas naptime boobs! https://t.co/u9kAooaQ7Q 14:15:36
- As of today when we hear those shitty substandard soulless covers of #lastChristmas it will remind us how & when the world turned to shit. 15:41:15
My Life Yesterday
December 26, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment