- I'm super proud of myself for not tweeting mean things about that bitch Meryl Streep. 00:07:37
- Light of the rising #winter #sun in stairwell. #vampires #donttrythisathome https://t.co/MJXhVVA22i 08:14:01
- Little restful video moment from my tubtime last night
https://t.co/u9kAooaQ7Q 14:28:01
- New on my blog: my personal year in review >>>> http://www.tastytri… https://t.co/u9kAooaQ7Q 14:30:03
- Hmmmm … I suppose I should've made my year in review a better advertisement, like a good little capitalist would. 14:37:27
- RT @keithboykin: Sprint helped Trump lie about jobs so they could get T-Mobile merger approved, which will cut thousands of jobs. https://t… 14:37:51
- RT @washingtonpost: From lab to Olympic podium to White House, accomplished women are still dismissed https://t.co/TebbbC3bkk 15:56:33
- RT @Sam38G: Why I don't go to AVNs?
1 Does NOT convert into Sales
This is a business, cost to go is about $1500 & a week off of work for z… 15:59:50 - RT @Sam38G: 7 What has AVN ever done for me? What has it ever done for you? You going there benefits them, what do you get out of it? 16:00:17
- The first people I followed were 'audaciaray', 'Seska', and 'merrickmonroe', according to https://t.co/pDjUAtD2YO 16:24:12
- Another one of my followers just signed up at https://t.co/Z4sz7HszPF! Join today at https://t.co/SNm1bzh9U4 https://t.co/99WVVLFwfu 17:48:43
- Uhhhh … is this my snapcode? #2017 #GILFproblems #grannysnaps https://t.co/4MiRRwomV9 17:54:29
- ::reminds me how massively overdue I am to put something useful & current on https://t.co/LHiogzKRgc:: 17:57:09
- RT @SwopLosAngeles: Be careful #sexwork ers. Jan. is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Cops will be "saving" us. http… 18:10:18
- I (and many women I know) have experienced this OVER and OVER and OVER again. ANDOVERANDOVERAGAIN. https://t.co/D6n0DZj4nO 18:12:56
- RT @profcarroll: Anonymous votes on a new rule that blocks anonymous whistleblowing and restricts communications to citizens. Sinister AF.… 18:59:38
- RT @mistressmatisse: ICYMI: one of two really powerful and amazing stories about sex work this year. Must read! #sexwork #rightsnotrescue h… 19:01:59
- RT @HerbMcDerb: Wow that's crazy. It's almost like the majority had voted for someone else……. https://t.co/AhOB365AOH 19:08:05
- RT @mattyglesias: Trump Organization has unlimited capacity to collect bribes, and with the ethics office gutted can share largess with mem… 19:08:18
- RT @kurteichenwald: I know, when I heard "drain the swamp" 1st thing I thought of was making it harder 2 expose congressional wrongdoing ht… 19:09:29
- Sweet dreams, everyone! I'm going to sleep early. #ilovegoats https://t.co/WKMSC2ZxIl 21:10:41
My Life Yesterday
January 3, 2017
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment