- RT @GQTransButch: Today is anniversary of Roe V Wade decision. Do not be distracted on talk of crowd size. #Trump could rip away #Womensrig… 06:28:02
- RT @mistressmatisse: Love JM so much for pushing this issue. "Janet Mock thinks sex workers’ rights need to be included in Women's March" h… 06:28:30
- RT @rafaelshimunov: A morning bus ride reminds 1) we didn't start #JewishResistance 2) we are not alone 3) Don't fucking touch Muslims or M… 06:46:20
- Women don't get many opportunities presenting like, say, #OrsonWelles. #sexism #doublestandards Easy #greasy hair o… https://t.co/vCFUWSBNrz 17:17:33
- Anyhoo, #Compulsion is a fucking great #film. On @netflix. And still super relevant. AND entertaining. #teddybear https://t.co/iqzYv04q8O 17:21:36
- The light is SO #PRETTY in this! I didn't shoot this, @TSNinaLawless did, & it's lovely. https://t.co/2KEAGBZsLq 17:31:50
My Life Yesterday
January 23, 2017
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