- RT @carlhurdmba: @crazylary51 https://t.co/RDs7jQXU9j 00:12:14
- RT @lancehartfetish: This is one of the many reasons we are going for at least $5000 to help Jessica Fappit, if you're wondering
Donate: h… 00:53:50
- RT @SydneyScreams4u: Please don't forget that @JessicaFappit is going to need help recovering. Send $, screenshot it, free membership to my… 00:54:24
- RT @SarahDiAvola: HELPER FUND FOR JESSICA FAPPIT: https://t.co/H5ZRh3Y1qC
If you prove you donated, you get a free 5 minute custom. #RT 00:54:27
- RT @DeliaTS: Rainy weather in Western Washington … perfect time to play in panties with me inside
https://t.co/rupgEGlNkc 08:14:49
- RT @DeliaTS: https://t.co/AUsk6eFW1R https://t.co/vSzYEBAEew 08:15:10
- RT @DeliaTS: It's *snowing* around here … but nothing like the time we shot this! I'd love it if we could buy a trip to #whistler for ski… 08:16:00
- RT @DeliaTS: Follow-up: Snow White instead of white snow ;)~
Get all my new updates AND pre-transition content by joining >>>>>> https://t… 10:08:35
- RT @DeliaTS: Cuddle up with all my kinky content … I'll keep your blood temperature up through the long hard winter! ;)~
- RT @amberchase: Who is this male talent I've been looking for his twitter so I can book him lol.. we met last AVN in a hall way…
https:… 12:25:51
- Managed to self-shoot a little snowy booby vid in the woods before it all melted. Nothing so… https://t.co/EgyFmDIYpl 16:07:27
- RT @killerbee805: Reminder that @realDonaldTrump has already cost taxpayers$14M in security for his NYC home. never want 2 hear SHIT about… 18:06:12
- I'm listening to #ParasiteMindControl on #AudibleChannels and think you'll enjoy it too: https://t.co/XDVMKReNKF 20:18:34
- Turns out I'm able to enjoy & absorb audio programming / #podcasts … only if I'm also playing #candycrush WITH sound on at the same time. 21:29:54
- RT @TheNudeOpera: I finally wrote a blog with some depth. Enjoy!
"The Curriculum for Selling Pussy"
https://t.co/D3EPTpiWtx 21:37:06 - RT @TheNudeOpera: @chicagobigben It's amazing how much selling ass can translate into all areas of life. 21:37:26
- #SolitaireBlitz & listening to this on #AudibleChannels : https://t.co/W9Yf6ba3r8 (while stressing how she might/have talk[ed] re: #sexwork) 22:10:20
- So far I love her (the interviewer fawning over her feels condescending though) & I think it's about to get even better… in reply to tastytrixie 22:16:57
- RT @hubs: Damn it, Trump! https://t.co/y08GfahZEM 23:21:32
My Life Yesterday
February 7, 2017
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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