- RT @DeliaTS: Just logged in for a Sunday cam session! —–> https://t.co/I7SY7GNKiZ 10:48:05
- Sunshine, peanut butter, sweet toast & creamy tea … what more can you ask for on a Sunday morning?
(Other than a hard dick & world peace) 11:02:11
- Amazing how much better I feel after hugging and rolling around with this big ball for four… https://t.co/8wcX5Ek3Vq 11:38:17
- Yes, I do this. Since I was 7ish.
#journals #diaries #notebooks #braindumpsters #thoughtcleansers #embarrassing… https://t.co/wgVhsr8Iwv 14:43:51 - Dear Diary,
Lately I've been thinking a lot about what makes America so "great" …and what could make it greatER… https://t.co/eTfIIbiBCj 15:03:53
- File under #nice, #diary, #purple, #boys, #1980, #gnomes.
See next page for #song #lyrics #jesuslovesme https://t.co/2dUzE8imxQ 15:05:10 - RT @fakerapper: Be seeing tweets on abuse in queer relationships. Really frustrated that violence against trans men is never discussed. 17:32:47
- RT @fakerapper: I've been a victim of intimate partner violence from femme identified cisgender women in my life – it does happen to us. 17:32:49
- RT @1942bs: straight ppl: gay representation will force ppl to be gay
gay ppl: so why didn't straight representation make us straight
str… 17:35:28
- Taunting the stupid #Snapchat gods. #fartface #poltergeist-voice #scat https://t.co/QXuTXBaNES 17:49:38
- RT @bachyns: I can't tell you how many older people have come up to me today to say, "I remember polio. Thank you." #standupforscience #AAA… 18:34:39
- #worsethanporn
@disqus forces offensive stupid shit ads on loyal users without warning or ability to remove them: https://t.co/BHHJphkzYE 19:17:24
- So glad I never used @disqus. Past >10 years, mainstream/non-adult as whole is WAY #worsethanporn. WHILE STILL DISC… https://t.co/CRaYk5RgjT 19:20:10
- RT @PicardTips: Picard economic tip: The risks of confinement to a single planet exceed the costs of interstellar travel. 19:21:50
- Mouth-farting is a seriously undervalued untapped therapy resource. Like plplplplplplplplplplplplp it's totally hilarious and fun! DO IT!!! 19:25:17
Stupid choreographed chicks-kicking-"attacker's"-ass vids. Nothing about #staged BS with actors & anorexic models makes me feel TUFF. 19:48:08
- What I do love, though, is #Deathproof. Just not these LADIES YOU TOO CAN DEFEND YOURSELF NO MATTER HOW PETITE popular facebook vids. in reply to tastytrixie 19:49:45
- I grieve the precious time & resources we WASTE on shit that is OBVIOUS. Should require NO EXPLANATION. #Fucktrump & fuck #willfulignorance. 20:13:44
- RT @ManyVidsUploads: My 1st VR Fuck Video – Regular HD by @reynashouse https://t.co/9wiT3kL3gM @manyvids https://t.co/GnZDVAnOTU 20:35:37
- THANK YOU, people who pay for memberships to our sites. Just got a year-long signup to @DeliaTS & it makes me feel SO GOOD!
- We only *very* recently added join options greater than $99, so it's a big deal & very encouraging!
https://t.co/QLlbCo7HcR in reply to tastytrixie 20:55:35 - Also, thank you for all the Valentine's Day Sale joins! Incredibly hopeful & motivating feeling in middle of redesign (& v. tough market). in reply to tastytrixie 21:00:17
- Now I want to pour a Monster down my gullet & stay up all night & do all the things to make our sites PERFECT!
- Would you (fans, camgirls, non-adult webmasters, nerds, ALL WELCOME to respond) like me to teach you how to earn >50% of our site sales? 21:33:12
- Some affiliates are GREAT (like the person who'll get HALF of that $159.95 sale today), but we have fans who work harder for us than most. in reply to tastytrixie 21:37:56
- In case you want my #snapchat story. I don't chat on there, but #grannygotafilter if you're into… https://t.co/hj7T8xx3gd 21:52:59
- RT @touchmybobby: as a job-stealing immigrant, I now have 36 jobs and counting. I keep them in my basement like some kind of job dragon. wh… 21:54:47
- RT @JoyAnnReid: If you want to shield all your money from taxation and not help poor people or fund Sesame Street just say so. Don't put it… 22:27:06
My Life Yesterday
February 20, 2017
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment