- Dreaming of a future home office lifestyle compound that involves taking a tub outside first thing in the get up time. 00:25:57
- Dear camgirls sex workers porn stars strippers drag self artists: if we ever get rich, we're hiring you to be sexy compound ornaments. 00:28:40
- I don't understand people with public profiles who block eggs (like a cartoon or celebrity avi is better?) and/or ghosts & lurkers. 00:32:22
- RT @conor64: In fact, the majority of Trump voters are *not* a lost cause. Also, persuading even 7 percent of them would be devastating to… 01:05:49
- Perfect retweet to follow my most recent RT before this. And, fortunately, untrue in my experience (though hilariou… https://t.co/TNgOtL5BbN 01:09:12
- This is a picture of me & my wife @DeliaTS feeling groovy after we had sex this one time. She's peeing, because you… https://t.co/TUj68UM4Bo 01:30:30
- RT @Bosko_DePompo: This is the first time I've said this about GWB, but fuck yes, keep doing that shit https://t.co/bGDbY6N7mr 11:57:35
- #PresidentsDay #history according to @Wikipedia.
#westcoast #class #nothingnew #violentprotests… https://t.co/9qjoKXXzbL 12:36:11 - This is so relevant & interesting that I'm doubting its veracity. But too lazy to research/doublecheck. #Wikipedia https://t.co/FKTt8sahR9 12:38:38
- RT @MaggieJordanACN: Every Senator who voted for Scott Pruitt's confirmation should be made to drink, cook with and bathe in Flint water du… 12:44:35
- New goal/rule … no phone games for me unless I'm on track with my reading goal. I'm su… https://t.co/6ovepbyYe9 12:59:41
- POLL: If you could spend a 3-day weekend (for ex) taking a free class to earn money promoting indie porn, would you?https://t.co/NDWE8Uos0R 13:02:55
- #MirrorMonday
It's also a #flashback to about 2001 … when I was new to webwhoring. https://t.co/z8IfxyEZsM 13:25:37 - RT @franklinleonard: I missed it at the time, but everyone in the film and television industries needs to sit with @MatthewACherry's though… 13:39:56
- RT @MatthewACherry: Black women unbothered by the police: A Photo Series #BlackHistoryMonth https://t.co/n3XldzCUZ5 13:40:11
- RT @PicardTips: Picard management tip: Leave the bridge sometimes. Other people can handle things fine without you. 13:55:21
- RT @absurdistwords: I can't even fathom how many crimes have been successfully yet falsely blamed on POC and other "undesirables"
Every time I see "the 'c-word'". Just fucking say it, cunt. 15:21:13
- A good reminder for #perfectionists feeling shitty for not being awesome ALL the time: https://t.co/KWVvnGQUOs 16:14:08
- I read Who in Hell Is Wanda Fuca? by G.M. Ford https://t.co/kTU8xaJ1SO 20:08:49
- "How did I get into being a cam model?" That question and more answered in my Snapchat story right now: add trixied… https://t.co/9rN5uuoDBm 21:55:56
- Yay! There are winter @seedcake posts on his blog! https://t.co/AtSWKRq46f
#FROMthesametown #averysmalltown #dontsaythetown #invisiblekids 23:23:43
My Life Yesterday
February 21, 2017
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