- Outside staring at the Big Dipper all poured out. Is it wind I hear or the Strait or ghost traffic of the future or what. What is all this? 01:05:34
- RT @PaceSociety: 10 Canadian Indigenous women to watch & one of them is a #sexwork-er rights advocate @kwetoday https://t.co/Znt9I7DPIu 01:07:43
- RT @transadvocate: Quick reminder https://t.co/bcpJ2VhgN4 01:08:33
- 5 of 5 stars to Moonstone by Sjón https://t.co/ypkfH5M2Pp 18:39:00
- 5 of 5 stars to The Fan-Maker's Inquisition by Rikki Ducornet https://t.co/CuVtStCrrp 19:54:07
- RT @livequiet: Why do introverts require more alone time? It's not because we're antisocial—far from it, according to science: https://t.co… 20:05:49
- Dear #camgirl & #cams fan world: do you know any #camgirls (esp. MFC & CB types) who specialize in doing #feedee shows? If so, who are they? 20:25:29
- Gah … just when I think I've outgrown fecundity, I see a baby or toddler & my mouth starts watering and eggs start popping. #feelsthatway 20:27:28
- Green #salad #friedeggs and #hash for #dinner. https://t.co/U16f1SftXS 20:35:14
- Past 3 or 4 years I've experienced very physical superstrong unexpected responses to triggers (like babies) I never had in this way before. in reply to tastytrixie 21:00:48
- RT @fatsoburgers: pineapple and non-pineapple pizza eaters must put our differences aside and defeat this evil https://t.co/Rgm8HDza4Q 21:13:55
My Life Yesterday
February 28, 2017
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment