- RT @GeorgeTakei: You can't be "a country united against hate" when your AG is a racist, your VP attacks LGBTs, and your top advisor is a Wh… 02:02:08
- So many different kinds of #green. I didn't expect the light to feel so much like #spring when I… https://t.co/CWOwk3FBnb 15:31:55
- #moss #pnwonderland #pacificnorthwest https://t.co/rluKr4i2jI 15:36:29
- So many ways to be #new. #green #spring #selfie #40something https://t.co/DPVB8j17Ws 15:38:18
- Not yet & I don't do customs but you're welcome to email me with what you're interested in & it may inspire me & sh… https://t.co/ZsSE4bhgpm 17:37:55
- LOL – I love the legacy of not-sexy from-the-butt content I've left on the internet. I'm actually concerned I'll ha… https://t.co/Atc1Ls9H2y 17:59:28
- (cont) I just ate a huge salad with sriracha chicken & refried beans & am worried it will ruin the massage I have scheduled tonight. #farts in reply to tastytrixie 18:01:07
- Feeling strong pulls to focus some time & energy shooting lots of content for https://t.co/VMLP888mY1 featuring a wide diversity of people. 18:03:09
- My "specialties" & loves are clearer to me. Ex: seeing a lot of panties (mostly white, some stained) on different folks in pics in my head. in reply to tastytrixie 18:04:47
- With *so many* awesome webwhores making *so much* awesome indie porn, it's getting easier for me to identify what is uniquely me … 18:11:20
- … it's increasingly obvious I am more "me" when I'm hidden, perving behind a camera. Wanting to dress someone else up & staring deeply. in reply to tastytrixie 18:13:16
- I could be lying to myself a little, though … uncomfortable with being "too much (of) me/myself" in front of the camera. in reply to tastytrixie 18:31:09
- RT @mistressmatisse: Woah, Sessions lied under oath about talking to Russia? Holy cats, can we please flush that doddering Keebler turdblos… 18:44:44
- I'm giving up a bunch of stuff for #Lent: potatoes, phone games (ex. #CandyCrush, #PVZ2), chocolate, complaining & pot. 19:23:22
- Having said all that, stuff like this is definitely "me".
https://t.co/IzbC7zxt53 19:30:44
- RT @fmanjoo: To paint historically black colleges as pioneers of "school choice" is like saying the Montgomery bus boycott was a transporta… 22:37:22
- The song is called #faraway #swimming #pool. #cleavage #hottub #bath https://t.co/KPcKV3OZV2 22:59:37
My Life Yesterday
March 2, 2017
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment