- Bolted out to shake my fist at ominously loud birds of war, but even as I screamed COCKSUCKERS!! the 3 flying in formation were magnificent. 15:17:41
- RT @jpbrammer: cisgender straight people: "Why should I respect your pronouns?"
also cisgender straight people: "Our son is a rifle." https… 17:07:13 - RT @ThatSabineGirl: "Boys are boys and always will be"
Really opening up that discussion there, huh?
#FreeSpeechBus? #FreezePeachBust https… 17:08:21 - RT @chasestrangio: You may have seen there is a bus going around the US saying trans people don't exist. Let's call out that we do. 17:08:24
- RT @mmpadellan: My lunch money to the reporter who gets trump 2 answer WHY it's OK for him to play so much golf, but he CONSTANTLY bitched… 19:52:51
My Life Yesterday
March 23, 2017
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment