- RT @MissLollipopMFC: #RT if i make you go RAWRRRR!!! https://t.co/OEI4EhmrQv 00:06:57
- Is it possible to get, like, a tiny tickly worm parasite in your eye? 03:04:44
- RT @_AmeliaGilbert: This tho !
She makes such a responsible argument on why people should pay for their porn , even tho it’s comedic act .… 03:14:52 - RT @wagatwe: Reminder that Betsy DeVos is actively working to roll back regulations that would help hold student assailants like in this ca… 12:41:36
- Change happens when we center & celebrate the stories of helpers & healers: when we shift our focus to amplify the… https://t.co/P4b8Hm3otB 12:51:43
My Life Yesterday
November 12, 2018
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