- “Testosterone makes men blind to risk.” All people under its influence, really, but yeah. Hormones & the human brai… https://t.co/WEczjWyOAY 11:47:08
Day 13 abstaining from _____.
Pro: ~90% reduction in headaches/pain.
Con: no escape / no easy fast-acting imm… https://t.co/aFxiuLN9cw 13:23:30
- More cons:
I don't feel like I've reclaimed any useful time. All of it sucked up by stressful bullshit
When I f… https://t.co/ocjzWBpwAH in reply to tastytrixie 13:26:54
Flying off the handle / lashing out / losing my temper; without _____, I've lost a tool that I used compulsively t… https://t.co/1zkS40JfBr in reply to tastytrixie 13:30:42
- I feel like a horrible piece of shit.
I envision & pray for a soft thick padded cell to escape to & hide. I want t… https://t.co/guKkNfSUZU in reply to tastytrixie 13:32:21
I thought by now I'd be sleeping better having abstained from _____ for almost two weeks. But I am not sleeping be… https://t.co/rrhynnBKf9 in reply to tastytrixie 13:34:54
Pro: my self-esteem is aided by sticking with it / not giving in and going back to _____ yet/so far/for today (
c… https://t.co/ost49x0eal in reply to tastytrixie 13:38:19
My Life Yesterday
July 5, 2022
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment