- I believe one of the awesomest things about Tom Cruise is how good he looks RUNNING, partly because of his intense… https://t.co/5FEE9gJWmC 11:04:56
- I'm not a huge fan of Tom Cruise, but I am a pretty ardent balanced defender of him in some ways, & am easily roped… https://t.co/ey52NCWqNn in reply to tastytrixie 11:12:09
- RT @MsJennyDreadful: The first time you consumed cannabis, how did you consume it? 16:40:30
- RT @LadyHarknessXXX: Nothing to see hear other than a big boi panty bulge in white
https://t.co/YvstdM5KnY 16:41:02
- @FroDiavolo Super creepy!
Also full of erotic potential (in my imagination) in reply to FroDiavolo 18:00:56
My Life Yesterday
March 19, 2023
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