- A new fan just joined my https://t.co/4btjY97LNP page. Check it out at: https://t.co/vAyoqV3BOO https://t.co/oL2z87W7b0 00:43:27
- @thetragicpope @SavannahSly @DeliaTS You have an opportunity to step the fuck back & not say dumb-ass shit like thi… https://t.co/gpZKQL4rl6 in reply to thetragicpope 09:52:43
- @thetragicpope @SavannahSly @DeliaTS People like you have never ever stepped up to defend "safe places" or advocate… https://t.co/fjYJwTEF7T in reply to tastytrixie 09:55:29
- @thetragicpope @SavannahSly @DeliaTS No, it's not. Learn some history. Not when people of color "with the same equi… https://t.co/DDNsDmgdWD in reply to thetragicpope 09:59:34
- @thetragicpope @SavannahSly @DeliaTS We all do need to pick better battles. And partly because I am a person with a… https://t.co/M7pDMxbNBa in reply to thetragicpope 10:06:19
- @thetragicpope @SavannahSly @DeliaTS
in reply to thetragicpope 10:17:10
- ~Principles before personalities. https://t.co/qrI62lP365 10:51:06
- RT @SophiaSylvan: Just sold a #clip – Food Play: Pudding and Candy Chewing and Spitting https://t.co/QD0ESJKRaP https://t.co/tbCMPH7mho 11:53:44
- @availinarl {{{hugs}}} She's been trying to get back on cam this week – she was out of town & since she's been home… https://t.co/P0QiDqVkVL in reply to availinarl 12:13:55
- @IpsoSix @DeliaTS @SavannahSly
in reply to IpsoSix 18:52:26
My Life Yesterday
May 4, 2023
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