• 11:21 The sun is shining (nice!), my period started a couple of hours ago (finally!), and I’m hoping my cramps don’t get worse. Lots to do! #
  • 12:00 About to attempt to salvage my toenail polish job that got fucked up last night so we can shoot something today. #
  • 12:02 What do you do with spam blog comments that actually makes sense and are on topic in specific ways? Weird. #
  • 16:45 Just finished shooting & now look WAY too slutty to go to a meeting I want to go to, but fuck it. My slut-face is hot. They can deal. #
  • 18:28 I’m so socially incompetent even within a structured 1 hour parameter it BOGGLES the mi nd; was it necessary for me to mention circle jerks? #
  • 19:41 I so want to edit these pictures tonight so I can upload them before bed and post them tomorrow for my birthday but OMG I’m so sleepy! #
  • 19:47 Wow . . . I really *am* sleepy; tomorrow is Tuesday, not Wednesday. Need to stop riddling myself with anxiety over nothing. #
  • 21:10 Seemed like our internet connection went down but then it was the router being flakey. Was worried, but after multiple resets all is well. #
  • 22:44 I’ve got some period tweets over on @BloodyTrixie if you’re into that kind of thing, FYI. #
  • 00:51 There was a froggy on our sliding glass door tonight; I took seeing his belly as a blessing and sign that this spring will be beautiful! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter