- 00:24:09: Very interesting: RT @joepennant: Interesting piece // Paulina Porizkova: Fame According To Me: http://huff.to/cT7uTj
- 11:10:15: Planning to shoot a few sets and videos of @DeliaTS today. Ugh, the phone just rang which makes me want to lose control of my bowels.
- 12:37:03: Checking out @DeliaTS May newsletter with her most recent porn updates: http://www.deliats.com/Newsletter/May10/index.html
- 13:48:52: I love crows so much. They’re so beautiful and entertaining. I just made one flinch – I love physical comedy!
- 14:12:21: I feel really good, proud & content about the hours I’ve already (& will have by tomorrow night) invested in work.
- 14:15:26: Going to have a snack, read a little more _Shanhai Girls_ , then call my wanker. I can’t wait to ask him what he’s wearing!
- 20:50:46: Getting a late start on shooting, but that’s okay. Don’t want natural light interfering with our hot lights.
- 22:01:57: My pussy is convinced that shooting pics and video of @DeliaTS is foreplay. WetwetwetWET.
- 23:15:43: Ummm . . . I’m not boycotting BP. Do you want me to boycott every Republican & Libertarian who made this possible??? WE are responsible.
- 23:16:59: I mean, I support those who will boycott BP, I just feel we’re all deeply responsible for this to one degree or another.
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