• 10:05 Whoah; is google checkout something we could use to sell dvd’s, etc.? tinyurl.com/5r4wsx #
  • 10:08 Wow; nothing in their terms prohibiting selling porn memberships, webcam shows, etc. Never heard of Google Checkout til today. Thoughts? #
  • 10:14 So not a morning person. Need to do a million things before show but have a hard time figuring out where to start. Or how to stand up even. #
  • 11:24 I need me some of those Scientology vitamins & positivity; feel like screaming about messy everything & desire to do better things with time #
  • 11:53 Capturing video from last week’s show. 60 minutes to bathe, shave, pick out toys, & other things more time consuming than they sound. #
  • 15:32 Wow. Twitter’s "twitpic" terms are really fucking out of control: twitpic.com/terms.do (report you for porn??) #
  • 15:38 I had a feeling eating a lunch consisting entirely of lime & salt fritos & bean dip MIGHT be a bad idea. Now I know for sure. #
  • 15:57 About to barf looking at pics of anorexic-looking pregnant porn chick. The pics are technically beautiful but so freakish I can’t take it. #
  • 16:06 Seriously, has a famine hit Eastern Europe or what? SO TIRED of seeing skin ‘n bones nude models. Some variety at least would be nice. #
  • 16:16 Contrast this with girls who are marketed as "fatties" for being healthy weight or just 10-20 pounds overweight. #
  • 17:37 Been reading software manuals & helps online trying to figure out something I want to add to Delia’s site. Nothing big, just a timesuck. #
  • 17:40 FYI: our county convention is not today, it’s later this month. So no, I didn’t forget or skip out on Obama to do shows. #
  • 17:50 I know I need to move my body, strip, talk smile to do my show but all of those things seem very difficult to me right now. 10 min til start #
  • 19:03 Bumpy dildos rock the spot! Getting ready for sausage-y penne loving. #
  • 20:50 Just performed a stress-relieving emotion-dump all over poor Delia. Think we’ll light some candles, watch some movies & NOT work tonight. #
  • 21:03 Woops; I guess it is impossible for me to sit down at the computer without doing SOME work. NOW to spend the rest of the night off . . . #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter