• 09:50 It’s cold and gloomy and what is my mom doing calling us before ten in the morning? I don’t like the way this looks . . . #
  • 09:56 I just made a poop shaped like a question mark! OK, I’m exaggerating; it was more like a semi-colon. With serifs. #
  • 10:24 I saved some money for massage, but keep not scheduling it because I’m afraid my period will start during or cramps right before. WANT NOW. #
  • 11:05 Just finished up 5 promo galleries & am uploading them now; going to have breakfast while that’s zipping along. #
  • 11:26 Rock on! Just did a fact check and my period is here! Let’s get this party started! #
  • 14:02 Just read another annoying porn site review that neglected to even MENTION the girl broadcasts 24/7 spycams. WTF are they thinking? #
  • 15:23 I don’t know why I’m trying to improve our sites for reviews when regardless they will do a shitty fucking job of selling us no matter what. #
  • 15:27 Correction: they will do an okay job of selling us IN SPITE OF THEMSELVES. You’d make more sales pointing out things that are UNIQUE. DUH! #
  • 18:08 Just finished some belly dancing, bringing me to six days in a row of exercise. By January 1st I should feel a lot better/more myself. #
  • 18:22 Somebody please give the interwebs a big, long, easy to understand human relations class. #
  • 19:59 Blargh; we have a lot of domains that expire/need(ed) to be renewed last month and this month. #
  • 21:12 Looking through my folders of inspiration. #
  • 21:31 Our house is so cold and our electricity bill so high. Difficult to want to do anything except crawl under the covers. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter