- Just posted my nudie pic of the day under the wire/still Thursday: http://t.co/rFn18wzV27 00:06:40
- Oh GOD! How did this HAPPEN!?!? I'm eating the WRONG FLAVOR of Luna Bar!! Shit, it's in my MOUTH!! Grohohohohdy!! 00:32:38
- A cat talked to me in my dream last night/this morning. Not in human words, but she gestured w/her paw & made word-sounds with inflection. 10:39:54
- She saw that I saw that she needed help with her rigging, and was trying to tell me what to do to assist her. 10:40:24
- My nudie pics of the day came out of my big birthday box (NOT the hairy one between my legs; sorry!): http://t.co/juN7icsp4K 14:57:27
- Thanks, Twitter feed, for reminding me again & tipping others NOT TO SPEAK ON BEHALF OF *EVERYONE* of your gender, profession, age, etc. 16:08:38
- Now (almost 8 pm), at the door of the cabin. http://t.co/e5Xqv4qoMs 19:52:27
- @Seska yes! in reply to Seska 21:03:18
- RT @LightningAllie: Such a cute little clip of @deliats peeing in the bushes in garter & stockings. http://t.co/XIaupFcE9v via @clip … 21:07:09
- The frog chorus like a hundred amplified echoing combs being played has vibrated beautifully every night lately. #spring 21:21:04
- @MaverickBull69 she's working on cam but I'm bugging her to stop for popcorn & tv
in reply to MaverickBull69 21:35:28
- @Lola_Areola I don't get it… Do you mean Mowgli? in reply to Lola_Areola 21:37:19
My Life Yesterday
March 16, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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