• It's hard not to have a way to tell somebody you hope they're okay. Also worrisome wondering if a vindictive nature will cause me problems. 11:19:51
  • Not *my* vindictive nature – I actually don't have a vindictive nature – but some people do. Especially in response to ladies of my stripe. 11:20:57
  • Is it my imagination or does AT&T just, like, NOT WORK in Seattle half of the time? Electricians caught us naked in bed. 11:49:09
  • There are SO many ways to get in trouble. Just so damn many ways. Ever notice that? 12:32:54
  • This awesome two-homes thing is requiring more psychological adjustment than I anticipated (even though both small & just-renting). 18:58:52
  • I feel weird. Like . . . really weird. Really REALLY weird. Maybe if I eat something I'll feel better. Less . . . weird. 20:34:20
  • I mean, if registering for a library card doesn't make me feel better, WHAT IN GOD'S NAME WILL???? 20:35:30
  • When stimulants (in this case, caffeine) wear off, it's like I'm thrown (mentally & emotionally) onto unpredictable ice – sliding, cracking. 20:44:30