• Hmmm . . . why is my toilet chirping like a bird? 10:32:42
  • It's good to be able to count on some things without totally taking them for granted: http://t.co/HdOIgCoObe 11:14:15
  • He totally offered to sacrifice the pie to me, @FetishistLadyM – no way I could snatch it from his lips, though. in reply to FetishistLadyM 11:16:24
  • Really working up to my full potential here photoshopping blonde hairs & white lint off black sweater on hundreds of pics. #BurnedOut 12:25:34
  • But noooooooooooo, I do not want anyone else to edit my pictures nooooooooooooooo I do not. Thanks anyway! 12:32:32
  • Must shave head so I can be a 40+ woman who DOESN'T think lordly shame-mongering maternalism is a better form of oppression than patriarchy. 14:27:51
  • Seriously. Fuck you Sinead, fuck you Annie, & fuck all of your condescension. Your good points aren't worth it. Fuck off. 14:29:54
  • Does nobody remember the Mike Tyson and Axl Rose *SHIT* that Sinead spewed? THAT'S FEMINISM? You're too old for your shite to be excused. 14:31:54
  • My apologies for slapping the F word / feminism on people who reject it. But if it walks like a duck . . . yeah. 14:47:49
  • I remember and appreciate being thrilled by and hungry for what Sinead delivered when I was in high school: http://t.co/UTkclJkYsG 14:51:39
  • Oh u horrible sweet defiant needy brave awkward absurd celebratory raw embarrassing trapped fervor compelling confused exhaustion, humanity. 14:57:25
  • A lot, @SissyNatalie – but I personally still insist on identifying as one. in reply to SissyNatalie 14:58:19
  • I'm sorry about my irrational celebrity-related emotional twitter outburst; if I were the type to delete things, I'd delete all of those. 15:16:14
  • Make me a channel of Good's peace. 15:17:35
  • I come away from every blessed exquisite human interaction cringing with a long list of things I want to apologize for saying or clarify. 19:08:24
  • That's exactly the thing, @Blanknewt2 ! Miley Cyrus didn't invent twerking OR capitalism! in reply to Blanknewt2 19:24:14
  • @Blanknewt2 Jackass is WAY more entertaining than I am . . . and sexier / more pornographic, too! in reply to Blanknewt2 20:02:01
  • https://t.co/jqTXeffadK 20:17:21
  • She was just here 5 minutes ago but has now relocated to an undisclosed location. http://t.co/in8vziwopZ 20:46:26
  • I thought we could be friends until the spider rapidly thrust its mandibles at me & made that clicky-clattering sound when I dumped it out. 20:53:10
  • Or maybe she was just getting comfortable & trying to help out with cleaning like here http://t.co/l0hp4uKryd (min. 1:45) 21:01:12
  • Gah … the cabin is fucking CRAWLING with these arachnids. http://t.co/WPwsd1B4bg 21:40:08
  • I feel so mean putting the spiders outside where it's wet. But . . . yeah. 21:43:16