- And it smells even better than this is big. http://t.co/znTB4BhM5v 14:47:42
- DUDES: please get a jerk off buddy and make videos for me jerking off with your cocks touching & coming on each other's dicks. TU! 18:12:16
- LOL @luisvillacres – YES, yes . . . YESYESYESYESYES!!! Yesssssssssssssssssss . . . in reply to luisvillacres 18:20:07
- Tim Burtonesque flower-like pinwheelish mushroom on my walk today. http://t.co/7it21hxFv1 18:23:26
- Black & white selfies including my nudie #potd: http://t.co/oRshbneh9i 18:52:22
- RT @Im_A_Pervert: How hot is @DeliaTS? Pretty fucking hotttt!!! http://t.co/S3FupO7DWJ 18:55:53
- Death Proof, Showgirls . . . shit . . . something we saw recently that I can't remember, @katsnacks – I'm bad at recalling stuff on demand. in reply to katsnacks 19:03:04
- @katsnacks are revenge & vigilante justice the same genre? in reply to katsnacks 19:05:37
- @frankenstein007 @katsnacks Death Proof was like the movie I waited my whole life to see. I got out of my seat, jumped up & down & SCREAMED. in reply to frankenstein007 19:08:47
- @frankenstein007 Yes, totally! I couldn't imagine seeing it any other way – it's taken me awhile to not perceive it all as inseparable. in reply to frankenstein007 19:21:15
- @katsnacks So what are yours? in reply to katsnacks 19:22:22
My Life Yesterday
November 10, 2013
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