• 11:49 Yikes; sorry about the snot & sneezing! Allergies galore for me lately. Must be the weeds. Going through kleenex like crazy. #
  • 13:19 Spent the past hour cleaning up assorted messes from being hacked. Anyone know how long it takes google to review a site after request? #
  • 14:24 Reading that FTP is inherently not secure. Finding an easy alternative is inherently over my head. Apparently. #
  • 17:22 Went to the hardware & grocery stores; ran into a Brazilian lady I absolutely adore. She makes me want to hold hands & wear cotton dresses. #
  • 19:48 Thanks @quinola & @iceheartx – I’m going to start using FireFTP more which apparently "uses" (is that the right word?) SFTP. #
  • 20:09 I love reading books and saying the word "sausage" with a big exclamation point. SAWsedge!!! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter