• Thinking a lot about enthusiastic consent, and how it feels to have an orgasm on someone who didn't expressly, enthusiastically give it. 08:58:57
  • I actually embrace having less-than-enthusiastic consensual sex sometimes. But it's much harder to know how to deal with from this end. 09:05:13
  • It's not always a clear & simple thing to discover & do the right things in relationships. Especially when right for one is wrong for other. 09:12:40
  • There are so SO many things I don't know. But I do finally know the important difference between a McDouble & a Double Cheeseburger. 12:42:05
  • Haha, @KristiMaxx – for real! McDouble = two meat patties+ single cheese slice. Double Cheeseburger = two patties AND two cheese slices. in reply to KristiMaxx 16:19:30
  • Watching Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire, it's so easy to see straight through him to Christian Bale in American Psycho. 17:44:34
  • Everything I say here & on my blog is really true, but I do censor, selectively dramatize & just plain fail to note a whole lot. 18:27:43
  • I have a many-years-old blog post drafted about wanting to make everybody feel special, but it would further fail to do that. 18:29:37
  • Sometimes I don't post something special involving one person for fear it will make other people wonder why I didn't post *our* special too. 18:42:46
  • My vague love confessional failure philosophy full moon blog post will be removed tomorrow. 23:19:53