• Are there any phones where the front-facing camera is the awesomer / high res / great function / primary one? 10:28:14
  • My face is broken out after getting a huge load of young cum emptied onto it. 12:32:36
  • Why do I have the spins today? Is it just from smoking too much pot last night? Do I have a brain tumor? Did sum cum get in my inner ear? 13:16:12
  • I am really surprised at myself how much I like sexting with Taurus' girlfriend. I'm not big on sexting / find it very ineffecient. But SHE! 14:44:27
  • RT @wkamaubell: Dear Police,

    If you try to murder me, I reserve the right to go into "demon" mode.


    A Black Guy Regularly Descri… 14:57:37

  • RT @OnePerfectShot: EROICA (1958) Director of Photography: Jerzy Wójcik | Director: Andrzej Munk http://t.co/oCjsBX21uX 15:03:30
  • Must stop masturbating. Must be productive. Must put on pants. Must enter world. Must stop fondling knuckles through black leather. 15:04:15
  • @Kaibutsu LMAO – for real! in reply to Kaibutsu 15:07:39
  • About to go run errands wearing RIDICULOUSLY wet panties. 15:12:58
  • Spent quality time with car when it wouldn't start. Then it did. Feeling content with uncertainty today. http://t.co/ygbOBP6vbJ 16:23:32
  • Fucking HELL. And now one of my cabin cams dies? Fuuuuuuck I can't keep up with this bullshit 18:04:09
  • A boatload of appreciative hugs & head-nods to @BellaVendetta for this: http://t.co/EKkbVAb5Ey PORN IS *NOT* ALL THE SAME! in reply to BellaVendetta 22:11:40
  • Took me forever to figure out what he needed to hear: I still love you. I don't want to NOT love you. I'll never think loving you a waste. 22:18:54
  • RT @swopusa: #injustice is calling #sexwork #rape while supporting 'rescue' that starts with men handcuffing half-naked women mid sex act. 22:35:49
  • RT @ChristopOConnor: A riot/property damage has never fixed anything. Except for the Boston Tea Party. Or the Bastille. Or Stonewall. Or th… 22:36:08