- RT @AmberLily: Should we just stay in bed & be lazy in our PJs? Pics by @TastyTrixie https://t.co/ajOZCLCOTT 04:49:27
- She's in Seattle & couldn't trek home for the holiday.
And now I'm stressed out about having a plan with someone. https://t.co/04APitK2LI 05:05:16
- This is super unusual, but I had such intense sex with myself last night it actually canceled most of my desire for partnered sex today. 05:10:22
- Every time I commit to spending an evening with people it means canceling a 2-day date with myself, & disappointing her terribly. #introvert 05:16:11
- @juliastockings I actually do have a lot of Sagittarius in my chart. NOT THAT I BELIEVE IN ANY OF THAT STUFF!
in reply to juliastockings 05:29:04
- RT @HeerJeet: "Why do these neo-Nazi memes keep showing up in my re-tweets?" is the new version of this: https://t.co/MSJHxj0O3b 05:30:21
- How hermits do first dates is super awkwardly weird. Like, I'm hiding inside while he's outside & we can totally hear each other. 15:23:12
- RT @AmberLily: This shirt literally has my name on it. Literally. Pics by @TastyTrixie https://t.co/iHB94ZLMMD 21:06:48
My Life Yesterday
July 5, 2016
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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